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Dear Friend of InFaith: Northwest Oregon,
Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support for our ministry in and among his people. The Lord is daily proving Himself to be loving, just and merciful as He provides guidance, strength and wisdom in myriad situations. Please take a minute to read through this brief update on a few things happening among our family of small churches…
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY TRAINING: “Deadline? What deadline?”
OK. There’s not really a “deadline”…But it would be very helpful if those planning to attend the upcoming Children’s Ministry Training Conference October 20th and 21st at Carver Church could register online by October 13. That would help us prepare materials and organize Saturday’s workshops to meet your needs. The Conference, led by InFaith director of children’s ministry resources Brett Belleque, starts with a children’s outreach event at 6:30 PM Friday, and continues the next day with free training sessions for your children’s ministry workers. For preregistration and more information go to the events page at .
Pray for Pastor Seth Lewis, Carver Church
It was a privilege to be asked to speak at the Carver Church this Sunday and to worship along with guitarist and worship leader Clay Allen from The Church on the Mountain. Clay and I stepped in after Pastor Seth Lewis was called away by the death of his father. The growing Carver congregation has now been called to encourage the man who has been encouraging them for the past five years. I trust that many of you will also keep Seth and his family in your prayers.
October 8th is Pastor Appreciation Sunday!
“The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.” 1 Timothy 5:17
Does your pastor know how much his ministry has impacted your life? October is the month to remind him. Someone, somewhere, designated the tenth month as “Pastor Appreciation Month” and the second Sunday of the month (October 8th this year) as “Pastor Appreciation Sunday.” Recognizing there are more types of spiritual shepherds than those who are named “pastors,” some churches celebrate “Clergy Appreciation Sunday” to also honor elders and others who serve the Lord well in their community. (This is certainly one of those things you cannot expect your pastors to plan for you!) Even if your church doesn’t have something formal put together for this day, a card or a note from you could be especially encouraging to the ones who share the Word with you each week.
Keep Praying for Dale and Marlene Cardwell
Dale is still in the hospital after coming down with pneumonia three weeks ago. His wife Marlene is praising God for news received yesterday, that Dale’s doctors are starting some physical therapy with Dale to build up the strength he has lost in this battle. Dale has been an InFaith missionary for decades, serving several churches in our area. He and Marlene currently lead a small congregation outside Salem.
Thanks also for your prayers for our granddaughter Autumn Grace. She, too, has been hospitalized with pneumonia this week. But, Lord willing, we expect her to be ready to come home today!
May the Lord continue to richly bless you!
Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary