We Follow Jesus Wherever He Leads
Please Pray for the Theissen Family
Bob Theissen, who served as an elder of Deer Island Community Church, passed into the arms of Jesus on Sunday. Please also pray for the congregation of Deer Island Community Church as they continue in their pastoral search, with the assistance of several guest speakers. Bob’s leadership will be missed.
Just 17 Days Until the InFaith: Northwest Oregon Children’s Ministry Training Conference!
Please register today for the workshops: Saturday, October 21st from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM at the Carver Church in Damascus, Oregon. And plan to bring your kids groups to the Children’s Outreach event the evening before, October 20th at 6:30 PM, also at the Carver Church. For more details and registration, go to www.nworinfaith.org/events-1 . If you have any trouble registering, please call me at 971-645-2777 or drop me a note at thiscox@infaith.org .
Also coming up this month:
Portland Pastors Prayer, October 12, 10 AM at Woodland Park Chapel
Sandy Fellowship Breakfast, October 18 at 9 AM at Tollgate Inn
God’s Still Working on the Other Side of the River!
Caroline and I were blessed to fellowship with the congregation of The Little Church in the Valley in Stabler, Washington this Sunday. Pastor John Valnes did a great job explaining Paul’s teachings about The Law in the life of a Christian (Galatians 3). After the service John and his wife Lisa took us to a nearby piece of forest land that was bequeathed to the church years ago by a man with a vision of what God might do there in the future. We are praying for wisdom for The Little Church as they consider if that future use might be sooner than some expected.
May God’s plans for your future ministry be made clear to you today as you also work with Him toward tomorrow!
Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary thiscox@infaith.org