Fall is Moving in Fast!
Good Tuesday morning! It is beautiful outside my window as the Lord is blessing us with a sunny fall day in the Oregon countryside. Today, I am preparing to drive to Clatskanie for our NWxNW fellowship at Mayger-Downing Community Church. Pastor John Thomas is going to share highlights of his recent mission trip to Africa; I will be briefing folks on the upcoming Children’s Ministry Training for the churches in our area; and we will of course be praying – for Elder Bob Theissen of Deer Island Community Church, who is still in the hospital and slowly recovering from head and upper body injuries suffered in a fall at his home, and for InFaith missionary Dale Cardwell, who has been hospitalized with pneumonia, and for other ministry concerns among our family of congregations. If you are anywhere in the area this afternoon at 4, you are welcome to join us!
Then, tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 9 I look forward to breaking bread with ministry leaders from the eastern portion of our mission field at the Sandy Fellowship Breakfast, 9 AM at Tollgate Inn. There too, I will share information about the upcoming Children’s Ministry Training – do you sense an underlying theme? To be prepared to serve you, it is really important that we get an idea of how many folks can attend that free training and the children’s ministry outreach event on Friday evening. It is only a month away, Friday October 20 and Saturday October 21st at The Carver Church in Damascus.
Thursday, it’s prayer time again (another underlying theme) with pastors and leaders at the Portland Pastors Prayer gathering, 10 AM at Woodland Park Chapel. And (you guessed it) I will be sharing information about the upcoming Children’s Ministry Training. But if you don’t want to wait for one of the above meetings to find out the details, click here or go to www.nworinfaith.org/events-1 . We have also prepared flyers for you to use in promoting the event to your church children’s ministry workers. Click to download: Children’s Outreach or Conference Flyer.
Thank you for your prayers for my family as we have worked for the past several weeks to move my elderly mother to Oregon. We have had, and still have, several logistical nightmares to overcome. But, Praise God! She is now settling in her new surroundings in my brother’s home just outside Corvallis. Please pray specifically that her furniture shipment arrives soon, or at least in time to be placed in her new “tiny home” which arrives in a couple weeks.
May the Holy Spirit guide every step of your day!
Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary thiscox@infaith.org