"Let the little children come to me..." - Jesus Christ, Matthew 19:14

Click on this image to download flyer.


Click on this image to download flyer.

Register NOW for the InFaith: Northwest Oregon Children’s Ministry Training Conference with Brett Belleque!
Registration is now open for the InFaith: Northwest Oregon Children’s Ministry Training Conference, October 20-21 at Carver Church.  Flyers about the special Kids Night on Friday and the Conference training sessions on Saturday are attached to this blog post, for you to use in inviting your friends.  Please click here to register online or call me at 971-645-2777.  Don’t miss this opportunity the learn ways to revitalize your ministry to the kids in your community!


This coming weekend!
It’s not too late to sign up for Men’s Roundup at Camp Tadmor, September 8-10! ONLINE REGISTRATION IS CLOSED, BUT YOU CAN STILL REGISTER ON SITE.  Join hundreds of other men for three days of God-honoring speakers, workshops and worship, accompanied with great food and more outdoor recreation than many of us have seen all year!  😊  The event is put on each year by Church Venture Northwest (formerly CB Northwest).  I will be camped out there for the weekend and expect to see several guys from other InFaith churches as well.  Click here for more information .

Be sure to mark your calendar for these coming events as well!

NWxNW Ministry Leaders Fellowship – Sept 19
Church leaders from Scappoose to Clatskanie and everywhere in between will be getting together at 4 PM, September 19 at Mayger-Downing Community Church for a time of prayer and fellowship.  A highlight of the gathering will be a report from Mayger-Downing pastor John Thomas, who spent part of this summer in Africa, renewing relationships and seeing the fruit of his service there many years ago.  Come and be inspired as you hear what the Lord has done with seeds planted years ago!

Sandy Area Fellowship Breakfast – Sept 20
Brothers and sisters from the eastern portion of our field will have a similar gathering (and probably a bit more food) at the Sandy Area Fellowship Breakfast, Wednesday, September 20, 9 AM at Tollgate Inn.  Come share what God is going in your community!

Portland Pastors Prayer – Sept 21
Still more shepherds gather Thursday, September 21 at 10 AM at Woodland Park Chapel in Portland for a time of prayer, dedicated to the work of InFaith-affilated churches throughout the area.

Pray for Elder Bob Theissen
We covet your prayers for elder Bob Theissen of Deer Island Community Church.  Bob fell while working at home Friday and suffered a serious head injury.  After emergency surgery, he remained unconscious in the ICU at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland.  So please pray fervently for Bob’s healing and for the Lord’s comfort for his wife, Lisa, their extended family and the congregation at Deer Island.

Tom’s Personal Stuff
I thank all of you who have been praying for me and my family this summer.  After months of preparation, we are just about ready to move my mother to Oregon in the middle of this month. Praise God! Mom is 91 and has decided to move to my brother’s farm in Alsea (near Corvallis).  I won’t need to be making as many long trips to California once she has moved here,  but I will be spending a bit of time in the next few months helping my brother set up Mom’s new tiny-home, and arranging for her ongoing medical care.  Thanks for understanding if my return calls and emails are a little delayed from time to time.  We are so thankful the Lord is giving us this opportunity to care for Mom as she has cared for us for many years.

 May God richly bless all of you!

 Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary  thiscox@infaith.org

Tom Hiscox