InFaith: Northwest Oregon

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Celebrating New Life!

Deacon Pete Boden serves communion at the first worship service in the new Dodge Community Church sanctuary, April 2, 2023.

Resurrection Sunday is Coming Up!

This coming Sunday, April 9, millions of Christians around the world will remember and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Eastern Orthodox Christians (who use the Julian calendar) will celebrate a week later, on April 16.  Commonly referred to as “Easter” in much of the English-speaking world, the resurrection celebration has come to include numerous symbols of new life.  In America, flowers, bunnies, chicks and eggs abound and chocolate versions of all of these overload store shelves.  These symbols, taken from our concrete, finite lives can be fun ways to remember the infinite impact of the resurrection story.  But let us not be distracted by the candy and cuteness from the good news they abstractly represent: that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was crucified and died on a cross, and whose body was buried in a sealed tomb, overcame death to live again.  He lives today, and His resurrection proved His claim that we can also live forever, if we choose to follow Him.  May our celebrations cling to that reality.  May our rejoicing reflect the glorious truth: “He is not here, but He has risen!”  (Luke 24:6)

The new sanctuary at Dodge Community Church opened for worship on April 2, 2023. Praise God!

Dodge Church Opens for Worship!  The congregation of Dodge Community Church will be celebrating the resurrection in their new sanctuary, which was used for worship this week for the very first time.  Forty to 50 members of the community attended this first worship service in the new facility, to celebrate in song and prayer and to hear a message of redemption shared by guest-speaker Pastor Nick Castillo.  Dodge Deacon Tony Skoein says church leaders will be planning a larger “grand opening” event later this spring, after more of the finishing touches have been added to the building.  For now, the congregation and the community of Dodge are overjoyed and thankful to see how God has not only provided this new place for worship but has also caused growth among their fellowship since the old building was destroyed by wildfire in 2020.


Congregants gather for worship April 2, 2023 at the new sanctuary of Dodge Community Church.

Coming InFaith: Northwest Oregon Events

  • Portland Pastors Prayer, April 13, 10 AM at Woodland Park Chapel, Portland

  • Sandy Fellowship Breakfast, April 19, 9 AM at Tollgate Inn (I need a volunteer to facilitate this month.)

  • NWxNW Fellowship, April 26, 4:00 PM at Columbia Bible Church, Rainier – Please note the new time!


Off to Refocus, April 19-22
Caroline and I are blessed to be able to attend InFaith’s national Refocus conference later this month in San Antonio Texas.  It will be the first national InFaith conference that Caroline has been able to attend since we joined the mission in 2017.  She did get to join us for one meal when the Refresh conference was last at Cannon Beach…but this time my darling wife gets the full experience of rejoicing, sharing and learning alongside hundreds of other missionaries, spouses and family members, and me 😊.  We thank God for this wonderful opportunity, and thank you for your prayers for us as we travel.


Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary