Resurrection Remembered!

Alan Sarmiento and Pastor Glenn Austin sharing a traditional Hawaiian worship song at the Aims Community Church Resurrection Celebration, April 9, 2023.

Aims Rejoices in Celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Caroline and I were blessed to be back home at Aims Community Church for this year’s resurrection celebration.  Pastor Glenn Austin led a joyous hour of worship remembering Peter’s message that Jesus Lived, Jesus Died, and Jesus Rose from the Dead to bring new life to all of us!  (Acts 2:22-24)

 A team of talented musicians led by Norma Baker and a children’s choir directed by Linda Traxler helped us praise Jesus through a number of traditional songs, including one in Hawaiian that most had never heard before (see the photo and caption).

Dodge Community Church, Easter worship service, April 9, 2023.  Photo by Carmen Bresko

Dodge Community Church Celebration Packs new Sanctuary!

The second worship service ever held at the new Dodge Community Church sanctuary appears to have been “standing room only” this Sunday.  A photo by congregant Carmen Bresko shows every chair filled, some with two people, as Pastor Nick Castillo preaches the Resurrection Sunday message. I will be sharing the Word with the growing Dodge congregation Sunday, April 16th, as the Lord continues to pour out His blessing on this church and community.


Pastor Steve and Carol Roth of Eastmont Bible Church at Portland Pastors’ Prayer, March 2023

Come Join in Prayer for God’s continuing work in NW Oregon
April 13 @ 10 AM at Woodland Park Chapel, Portland
At the monthly InFaith Portland Pastors’ Prayer meeting, Pastor Brad Gentry (Woodland Park Chapel) and Pastor Steven Boyle (Columbia Community Bible Church) will continue their faithful practice of lifting up the churches and congregations of our fellowship before the Lord.  All ministry leaders are welcome to spend an hour or so with us seeking God’s guidance and blessing.

A Little “This and That:

  • The newest church to join the InFaith: Northwest Oregon Fellowship is experiencing a time of blessing as well.  Pastor John Valnes of The Little Church in the Valley (Stabler, WA) says some church property is currently being logged to provide funding for potential future ministry growth in their small community, as the congregation works together to seeks new ways to reach their neighbors for Jesus.

  • A volunteer is still needed to help facilitate the Sandy Area Fellowship Breakfast at Tollgate Inn on April 19th while Caroline and I are in Texas for the InFaith Refocus conference.  All the facilitator needs to do is remind the regular attenders of the no-host breakfast, then sit back and smile as the fellowship takes place.  Drop me a note at if you are willing.

The Hiscox family table, Easter 2023 (minus Robert & Autumn). Caroline’s mother Yolande is just out of sight on the right.  Grandson Arthur seems to be hiding behind his dad.  His little sister Felicity and I are behind the camera.

Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with our growing family was a special blessing for Caroline and me this year, as all our kids and their families were able to join us at the dinner table (minus one faithful son-in-law who stayed home with a sick child).  Another little girl is coming in June to our son Jacob and his wife Emma.  As each new life joins the growing pack of grandkids, we are reminded of our privilege and responsibility to share with each of them the joyous experience of being “born again” into Salvation.  We pray this resurrection Sunday, and more to come, will plant the seeds that will grow in their hearts for a lifetime and beyond.

Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary

Tom Hiscox