InFaith: Northwest Oregon

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Preparing to Witness at Christmas

Christmas Worship at Aims Community Church, 12/18/2022

A light snow is falling outside the window as I write this note, just six days before the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus.  Caroline and I were blessed Sunday to worship with our home congregation at Aims Community Church, where Pastor Glenn Austin and music leader Norma Baker brought together a team of talented adults and children to share the Christmas story in Word and in song.  That same congregation will gather this Saturday night, as will many churches in our area, to observe Christmas Eve.  Several will hold traditional candlelight services, remembering the night angels appeared on a hillside outside Bethlehem to announce that Jesus the Messiah had come to earth.  For some who attend, this year’s celebration may be the first time they hear the story in a way that reaches their heart.  They may hear the message of Christ at Christmas from you.  They may finally understand that the familiar words from your mouth are backed by true joy in your innermost being.  They may begin to see that the real meaning of this celebration is not in the giving and receiving of Christmas presents, but in the world receiving the Christmas “presence” – when God came to dwell with us, to lead us into relationship with Him.  That’s part of the reason your attendance is important.  Your witness is important to the message, as important as the witness of the shepherds who were there that night.  You don’t need the voice of an angel to sing God’s praises, nor the persuasive power of a practiced politician, just the presence of Jesus in your own heart and a willingness to share the gift of love which you have received.

  Looking beyond Christmas to the New Year, we are eagerly anticipating ADVANCE 2023, January 20-22 at Twin Rocks Conference Center on the Oregon Coast.  As of today, 47 pastors, church leaders, missionaries and spouses have pre-registered to attend (and probably a few of you are waiting for the last minute).  For Caroline and me, this weekend of fellowship, worship and encouragement is one of the highlights of each year.  We are excited to see each one of you who will be there, to hear from InFaith CEO Jerry Iamurri, and to sing God’s praises alongside InFaith missionaries Larry and Vonnie Pratt.  If you have not already pre-registered, it would be a great help to us if you would click here today so we can make sure a room is waiting for you.  We have plenty of comfortable cabins still available, but the deluxe lodge accommodations are already fully booked.  Thank you to those who have already sent in your registration checks.  If you have already pre-registered and have sent your check, you should have received a confirmation email from me by now.  If that hasn’t happened, please drop me a note at and I will check into it right away.

 May God bless you all in your celebrations of Jesus’ birth!

 Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary