Wondering About Those Shepherds...

ADVANCE 2023: Only TWO Deluxe Lodge Rooms Left!

There are still plenty of cabins available for Advance 2023, January 20-22 at Twin Rocks Friends Camp and Conference Center.  However, all but two of the deluxe lodge accommodations have been reserved.  Please get your registration form in ASAP, especially if you would like to be housed in the lodge.  Click here to do that now! If you have already pre-registered but have not sent your payment, please consider doing so today.  Once we have received the check, we can guarantee your room.  If you choose to pay upon arrival, please understand if we need to re-assign you to a different accommodation at a lower rate.  So, some who pre-registered for the Lodge but have not yet paid may be moved to cabin accommodations (at a lower price), if we become overbooked.

 With guest speaker Dr. Jerry Iamurri and music leaders Larry and Vonnie Pratt, ADVANCE 2023 will be an encouraging time of rest, reflection, fellowship and worship for pastors, church leaders, missionaries and their spouses.  We hope to see you there!

Surprisingly Effective Witnesses
“And there were in the same country, shepherds, abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night…”  - Luke 2:8

 I wonder if the first witnesses of the birth of Jesus thought they were doing anything special that night.  They weren’t about to be acknowledged as “shepherds of the year.”  Their flock, or flocks were probably not significantly different than other groups of sheep.  They weren’t highly paid, well respected, or even known.  Their names didn’t get recorded in Scripture!  Yet the role they played in the advancement of Kingdom of Christ is re-enacted and replayed millions of times each year as we remember the message with which they were entrusted: “For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”  They received the Word of God, obediently witnessed the miracle of God, and then jubilantly shared the Word they witnessed with those around them.  The simplicity of their example should not be lost on our sometimes theology-heavy minds.  A shepherd who is called to change the world need only receive the Word, witness God’s work in his own life and share that Word with others.  For the shepherds that first Christmas morning sharing the Word was not an academic exercise, just a natural response to God’s supernatural call on their lives…the mostly unlikely suspects became surprisingly effective witnesses!



 Mountain Home Church Pastoral Applications Due Thursday, December 1 Click here to learn about the position and how to apply.

Sandy Area Pastors Breakfast, December 7, 9 AM at Tollgate Inn Bring your favorite Christmas memories to share!   

Portland Pastors Prayer, December 15, Woodland Park Chapel, 10 AM

 Worthy of Double Honor
“Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.”  1 Timothy 5:17

Thank you to those retired pastors, elders and others who have been stepping in to provide “pulpit supply” for several congregations we serve that are currently without permanent pastors.  Six of the twenty churches affiliated with InFaith: Northwest Oregon are in that position.  Though I keep a list of several speakers who may be available, it is certainly not exhaustive, and could use a little “refresh.”  I am especially looking for Bible college or seminary students who may be interested in sharing their gifts as they train for full-time ministry.  If you know a few, please send them my way!


InFaith: Northwest Oregon Budget Update
We thank the Lord for continuing to provide for the ministry of InFaith: Northwest Oregon through people like you, who see the Kingdom value of what we do.   As our communities have faced record-breaking inflation in 2022, donations have understandably dropped a bit short of 2021.  At the end of another year of encouraging, equipping, advising and assisting small churches and other ministries in our area, we ask you to consider if the Lord is calling you to provide a special year-end boost to meet current needs.

2022 Budget Goal: $60,000
Donations YTD (11/28): $49,291    (78.6% of budget)
Needed to Meet 2022 Budget: $10,709

To make a donation, please go to www.infaith.org/tom-hiscox and on the “Give” button.

 Also, if you would like to contribute directly to a small independent church in need of support, please drop me a line at thiscox@infaith.org and I will pass along a few suggestions.  God bless you!

 Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary  thiscox@infaith.org

Tom Hiscox