A Season of Growth is Coming!
Can you believe spring is right around the corner? Soon we will be unable to miss myriad reminders of the Creator of new life, as it pops up all around us in the fields and forests of Northwest Oregon. Most of us are already preparing to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on April 9th. And there’s a lot more happening among the ministries of InFaith: Northwest Oregon between now and then. Here are a few upcoming opportunities to join with others in service to Jesus.
Portland Pastors’ Prayer Thursday, March 9, 10 AM @ Woodland Park Chapel
Sunday School Fellowship Annual Meeting Saturday, March 11, 10 AM @ Woodland Park Chapel
Each InFaith: Northwest Oregon-affiliated church is invited to send up to two voting delegates. Come join in the discussion of SSF’s important work in support of our churches, pastors and camps. Also join in the selection of board members for the coming year.
Sandy Area Pastors’ Breakfast Wednesday, March 15, 9 AM @ Tollgate Inn
Join us for casual no-host food and fellowship with fellow pastors, elders and other ministry leaders. It helps if you drop me a text or email letting me know you are coming…but even if you don’t, please feel free to drop in.
NWxNW ministry leaders’ fellowship Tuesday, March 21, 9 AM @ Deer Island Community Church
Thanks to elder Bob Theissen and others who are making the meeting room available to us.
Churches: Please Complete Ministry Information Forms
(For a blank copy, click on the image in this blog post.) Kudos to pastor Glenn Austin of Aims Community Church for being the first to submit his ministry’s 2023 InFaith Ministry Information Form. Others who have responded quickly were pastor Thomas Robinson of The Church on the Mountain, Bonny Klukas of Columbia Bible Church, pastor Jason Young of Dover Community Church, and pastor Steven Boyle of Columbia Community Bible Church. The simple forms help me update contact information for your ministries and provide some other details that help me help you. Each of your churches should have received an email with the form attached, but just in case it got lost, I have attached a blank form to this email for your use. You can submit it via email to thiscox@infaith.org or print and mail it to the address on the form. Thank you!
I had a blessed time speaking at Dover Community Church Sunday. I am also looking forward to sharing March 12 at Columbia Community Bible Church and March 19 at Dodge Community Church. It should be a busy and blessed spring, full of interesting ministry opportunities. It’s not too early to book your area missionary to speak with your congregation this season. Just drop me an email or give me a call and we can check calendars together!
Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary Ph: 971.645.2777 | thiscox@infaith.org