InFaith: Northwest Oregon

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Fellowship and Prayer

Sandy Fellowship Breakfast
Thank you Steve, Carol, Tim, Brad and Jason for joining me Wednesday for the InFaith Sandy Fellowship Breakfast.  Traditionally we have called this monthly gathering the pastors’ breakfast, but one ministry leader at Saturday’s Sunday School Fellowship Annual Meeting raised a concern that non-pastors might feel excluded.  In reality, we have for many years welcomed other ministry leaders from our local churches: elders, deacons, spouses, missionaries and others.  Hence, the name change now reflects that wider invitation.  Typically the Sandy Fellowship Breakfast is held at the Tollgate Inn on the third Wednesday of each month.  The next is scheduled for April 19 at 9 AM.  I will be leaving town that morning for the InFaith Refresh conference in Texas, so I will need one of the other “regulars” to facilitate the no-host breakfast.  Any volunteers?  Drop me a note at

Sofi Boyle & Rev. Steven Boyle, Columbia Community Bible Church

Please Pray for Columbia Community Bible Church (Portland)
Pastor Steven Boyle is (supposed to be) resting at home and taking pain medication as he awaits treatment next week (March 22nd) on a large kidney stone discovered last Friday.  In the meantime, Caroline and I, along with InFaith NW Field Director Nathan Bath were pleased to be there to encourage and worship with the CCBC congregation on Sunday.  The church had also been burglarized Friday, losing thousands of dollars worth of audio and electronic equipment.  The church expects their insurance will cover all but a $500 deductible.  A third wave in the recent storm is the news that one person at the service Sunday morning had Covid…so we are all watching for signs of infection and praying for Divine protection.  Through it all, Steven plans to be back in the pulpit this coming Sunday, Lord willing.

Mountain Home Church, Colton, Oregon

Please Pray for Brian Simmons
Brother Brian started immunotherapy infusions this week on his recently diagnosed cancer.  Brian is the newly-installed shepherd/elder at Mountain Home Church (Colton). He was diagnosed with cancer last month after biopsy of lumps on his neck.  Please pray for the Lord’s healing touch, and for the Spirit’s comfort for both Brian and his wife Rosemari.


2023 SSF Annual Meeting

Thank the Lord for Sunday School Fellowship
We thank the Father today for those of you who made time to attend the Sunday School Fellowship annual meeting Saturday at Woodland Park Chapel (Portland), and for those dedicated men and women serving on the SSF board.  The meeting included encouraging reports on the Lord’s provision for ministry through the sale of the old Bonita church building, an ongoing project to upgrade a failing sewage connection at Carver Church, the successful Advance conference in January, SSF’s role in helping Dodge Community Church handle some of the larger donations for their new sanctuary, and other exciting developments behind the scenes in the InFaith: Northwest Oregon field.  Chairman pastor Seth Lewis encouraged delegates and board members present to be in prayer for ways to grow and improve the Fellowship’s support of the InFaith-connected ministries in this area.

 NWxNW, Tuesday March 21 - Deer Island Community Church
Next on the calendar – the NWxNW ministry leaders fellowship at Deer Island Community Church, Tuesday, March 21, 9-11 AM.  The newly-installed elders at Deer Island are looking forward to sharing with others from the churches at Hudson Park, Mayger-Downing, Columbia (Rainier), Shiloh Basin and Holbrook, and any other ministry leader who wants to take the drive out Highway 30.

Have you noticed what God has been doing?
As I shared at the SSF meeting Saturday, 65% of the churches served by InFaith: Northwest Oregon have undergone changes in primary pastoral leadership in the last five years.  The Lord is making big changes in Northwest Oregon, and there are more to come.  It is an honor to play a role as the Lord repositions His troops. I look forward to seeing the exciting things He has in store to bring glory to His name in our area.

Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary