InFaith: Northwest Oregon

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Stepping Up to Serve the Savior

Brian and Rose Simmons

 New Pastor at Mountain Home!
Mountain Home Community Church (Colton) is praising God today for calling shepherd/elder Brian Simmons to lead their congregation.  Simmons, who formerly served at George Community Church (Estacada), has been teaching at Mountain Home most Sundays since Pastor Dan Wentworth stepped down last year.  The congregation this week also unanimously selected Steven Kraxberger to serve as an additional elder.

Valentines’ Dinner Blessing! 
Mtn Home also got a head-start on celebrating Valentine’s Day with their annual Valentine’s Banquet at the historic Elwood Schoolhouse last Saturday night, featuring a powerful presentation from Nancy Wentworth.  Nancy’s personal testimony bore witness to the goodness of God and his love, even when our lives face hardship.

Sandy Area Pastors’ Breakfast Wednesday
We are looking forward to a great time of fellowship with fellow pastors and church leaders this Wednesday (Feb 15) at 9 AM at the Tollgate Inn in Sandy.  This will be our first InFaith: Northwest Oregon Pastors Breakfast of 2023.  Come ready to share how the Lord is moving in your communities! 

 My sweetheart Caroline and I are excited to be speaking and singing at Woodland Park Chapel (Portland) again this coming Sunday, while Pastor Brad and Susan Gentry are out of town.  Please remember to keep the Gentry family in prayer as they will be at a memorial service in Arizona for Susan's father, who passed away earlier this year. 

There's always more going on...

Also this week, I will be joined by elder Tim Simon on Wednesday afternoon, as we have the blessing of assisting one of our fellowship churches with their elder selection process.  Praise God for His prompting of new leaders to step into this crucial biblical leadership role in the local church.

 Is God calling you to step up?

Let me encourage you today to pray sincerely and listen carefully for God's call on your life, each day.  Our local fellowships need leaders, musicians, teachers, preachers, missionaries and more.  You may be just the person your church or another needs as it grows.  Talk to God, talk to your pastor or elders, or even talk to me...let's see what the Lord has in store for you! 


Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary  |