Time to Advance!

ADVICE FOR ADVANCE 2023, this coming weekend, January 20-22 at Twin Rocks:
Come prepared to let the Lord refresh and renew your passion for the ministry He has given you.  Receive the Word through the messages Dr. Jerry Iamurri has been given to share.  Soak in the times of worship led by Larry and Vonnie Pratt.  Rejoice in the fellowship of others who share in the work of the Great Commission!  Rest your soul in the Spirit of the Lord.  Recharge for the ongoing mission to which you have been called!

Last-Minute Registration is possible!
Thank you to all of you who pre-registered ahead of time for Advance 2023 this weekend, especially to the majority of you who sent in your registration fees to secure your rooms.  As of today, we have 51 people signed up to share the weekend at Twin Rocks Conference Center.  Last-minute registrations are possible on site, though you may have to wait just a bit while Twin Rocks staff prepare a room.  If you are still thinking about coming, but haven’t signed up…even a day’s notice will help!  Please call me at 917-645-2777.  For registration details, click here.

Watch the weather; check the roads…
Friday’s weather is looking pretty good for Advance 2023.  However, it is always advisable to check road conditions before starting the drive to the coast. Snow levels will be dipping to near pass level on Highway 6 between Banks and Tillamook this week.  If that road is still impacted Friday, those of you travelling from inland may prefer to take Highway 26 all the way to the coast, then head south on 101 to Twin Rocks.

Somebody Needs a Ride to Advance!

That somebody is my wife, Caroline Hiscox, who doesn’t get off work in Gresham until 3 PM on Friday.  If you can help her out, please give me a call at 917-645-2777.  Of course, she will be riding home with me afterward 😊.

Watch for Free Theological Library Resources
Attendees at Advance 2023 will have the first shot at dozens of free books from the library of retired Pastor Merle Davis!  Boxes of resources donated by Merle will be available for any who can use them to the glory of God.  (And Merle has more I will be helping distribute in February.)  Also, Advance participants may be interested in bringing a few of their own contributions for the informal book exchange that always pops up in the lobby of the Pacific Woods Lodge when we meet.  Just be prepared to take home anything you bring that doesn’t get taken by a colleague!

Save the Date: March 11, 2023, 10 AM — Sunday School Fellowship’s annual meeting has been set for March 10 this year.  The location is being confirmed. In the meantime, SSF chairman Seth Lewis will also be at Advance this coming Saturday (January 21) to explain how your ministry may be blessed by SSF’s support for churches and pastors.                                                                                                                                                         

May the Lord bless all of you this week in your service to Him and to those you encounter in your walk with Jesus!

Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary  thiscox@infaith.org

Tom Hiscox