Rain and Rejoicing!
Blessings, brothers and sisters in Christ! I am loving the late spring rains in Oregon. The Lord, who gives the early rain and the latter rain, knows we need every drop as the western US is facing a “mega-drought” this year. I am also loving the progress that is being made for the Kingdom of Christ, through the ministries of your local churches. Be sure to give your pastor a pat on the back, or even a big hug this week. Shepherding through the pandemic has not been easy, and some of us have not been as easy to deal with either. Yet as the skies look a little brighter ahead, we are finding signs of growth in some local churches, and glimpses of new ministries on the horizon for others. That’s one reason we encourage pastors and church leaders to get together on a regular basis – to be lifted up as they share news of what the Lord is doing in their midst, to share opportunities for churches to work together and assist one another, and to pray specifically for the myriad needs that arise as we walk together with Jesus. Please consider joining with us in one of our upcoming gatherings. Here are a few times you might enjoy:
COFFEE Time at Tollgate BAKERY!
This month’s Sandy area pastors’ breakfast will again be a time of coffee, tea and pastries, Wednesday, June 16, 9:00 AM at Tollgate Inn BAKERY – right next door to the restaurant. Because of a staffing shortage, the restaurant is still operating on limited hours…but the bakery, with it’s specialty coffees and scrumptious diet-busters opens at 7 AM. By the way, for some time we have called this the “Sandy area pastors’ breakfast” but that is a bit of a misnomer. It’s really a fellowship gathering for leaders of InFaith affiliated ministries from throughout NW Oregon. Its just a bit more convenient for those already in Sandy. You are certainly welcome to join us for unstructured fellowship and prayer, to share an insight from the Lord, or to network to form a new ministry partnership. And this month, it will probably be around a big picnic table just outside the bakery…so bring a coat!
Prayer Time in Portland
A similar thing can be said the for Portland area pastors’ prayer time…it’s open to any and all of you, usually the third Thursday of the month at Woodland Park Chapel, 1914 NE 102nd, Portland. That’s this Thursday, June 17 at 10 AM.
Time for VBS!
Vacation Bible Schools are starting this month at several local churches, and probably popping up throughout the season as we reach out to our neighbor kids with the Good News of Jesus Christ. I don’t have a comprehensive list of all your church VBS schedules, but I would like to try. So please drop me a note with VBS dates, times and locations. And if you would like an extra hand…I would love to help! Let’s compare calendars.
NWxNW Takes a Break
NWxNW ministry leaders’ fellowship (in the far NW part of our field) was cancelled this Monday (June 14) after several folks discovered their schedules had just gotten way too busy. A couple wise sages have advised me that it might be better if we met a bit less frequently, at least during the summer. So I am counting on you NWXNW participants to let me know your preferences. Right now I suggest we skip meeting in July as well, and try to schedule something in August as our calendars firm up a bit. PLEASE, drop me a note expressing agreement, disagreement or even ambivalence. I need your input. No matter what we schedule, I still plan to visit churches and leaders in the area throughout the summer, and I have several Sundays still open in July and August, if your pastor needs a break from the pulpit. (Yes, even pastors and missionaries need vacations from time to time!)
Time for New Workers for the Harvest?
Please be in prayer for Dover Community Church, Garfield Community Church, Dodge Community Church, and Shiloh Basin Community Church as they are asking the Lord to send them their next pastors. Two other churches on the field are also without pastoral leadership, but are moving forward with lay leaders who are stepping up into the pulpit and other roles for the time being.
Now, may the giver of the rain, the lover of your soul, the Creator of all you enjoy, and the Savior of humanity guide, protect, encourage and inspire you as you serve Him with all your heart.
Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary thiscox@infaith.org