Springtime Hits the Heart!
Springtime has definitely hit Northwest Oregon! Praise God, who gives both the rain and the sunshine that make this part of the world so beautiful. Spring is also a busy time for many Christian ministries, including the fellowships of InFaith: NW Oregon. Here are just a few snippets of what is going on in the weeks ahead:
Prayer Time at Woodland Park Chapel April 29, 10 AM
Join fellow pastors and church leaders this Thursday as we lift up our ministries before the Lord. Woodland Park Chapel is at 1914 NE 102nd Street in Portland. In May we will be back to our regular schedule of meeting on the third Thursday. (see below)
NWxNW at Columbia Bible Church (Rainier) May 10, 10 AM
Bonny and Robert Klukas will be hosting the May monthly gathering of church leaders in the far Northwest portion of our field. Come celebrate what the Lord is doing in some of our most rural fellowships! Columbia Bible Church is at 407 E 2nd Street, Rainier.
Pastors’ Coffee at Garfield Community Church May 19, 9 AM
Because of uncertainty about the availability of restaurants in Clackamas County, our monthly gathering for ministry leaders in the east portion of the field won’t be in Sandy this time. Garfield Community Church chairman David Allinger has graciously offered to host an hour of coffee and fellowship at 34515 SE Divers Road, Estacada. What a great time to share with fellow shepherds!
Prayer Time at Woodland Park Chapel May 20, 10 AM
We will be returning to our regular “third Thursday” prayer schedule in May. If you can’t make it this week (Apr 29 – above) you won’t have long to wait for your next opportunity to join in us.
TCOTM Men’s Retreat at Camp Morrow June 4-6
The men of The Church on the Mountain invite you to join them for their annual men’s retreat at Camp Morrow on Pine Hollow Reservoir, June 4-6 with guest speaker Tex Newman challenging us to check our alignments! Don’t miss out on a great weekend of food, fellowship, fishing, disc golf and recreation with other brothers in Christ. Click here for a registration form, or leave a message for Dave Boatman at TCOTM, 503-622-4079.
Evangelism/Outreach Training @ Columbia Community Bible Church July 31
Could your church outreach or evangelism team use a boost? Mark your calendar for July 31, when Columbia Community Bible Church will be hosting a seminar with outreach strategist Mark Shaufler. Watch here for more information, or contact Rev. Steven Boyle Directly at sjboyle72@sbcglobal.net .
Pray for Bryce Duane Bartruff
Dr. Bryce Duane Bartruff is a longtime servant of Christ, former InFaith leader, and son of former northwest area missionary and field director Bryce G. Bartruff. “Duane” has recently undergone cancer surgery at the Mayo Clinic. After removal of some large tumors, he is awaiting word on what further treatments will be needed. He writes to Jim Van Voorst: “The good thing about this is that while I am anxious – I feel the presence of our Lord – our comforter.”
Thank you also for the many prayers for my elderly parents as they face ongoing health problems, for my son Jacob and his fianceé Emma, who are to be wed May 12; for my daughters Rachel and Emily, who are both expecting babies this summer; and for Caroline and me as we are blessed to be able to serve the 20+ ministries in fellowship with InFaith: Northwest Oregon. May this spring bring renewed joy to your homes and ministries!
Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary thiscox@infaith.org