Thank God for the Sunshine!

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.  – Psalm 121:1-2 KJV

Caroline and I were blessed recently to enjoy the view from the other side of the mountains.  This picture is looking across the lava fields, just south of Bend, toward The Sisters, still capped with abundant snow, a blessing from the Lord to w…

Caroline and I were blessed recently to enjoy the view from the other side of the mountains.  This picture is looking across the lava fields, just south of Bend, toward The Sisters, still capped with abundant snow, a blessing from the Lord to water the arid terrain of Central Oregon in the summer ahead.

Pastor Mathew Neahring, Shiloh Basin Community Church

Pastor Mathew Neahring, Shiloh Basin Community Church

Congratulations, Pastor Mat Neahring!
Pastor Mat announced Monday at the NWxNW meeting that he has been called to serve as “Pastor of Families” at Calvary Baptist Church in Manzanita, Oregon, starting sometime in May.  Mat’s final week as shepherd of Shiloh Basin Community Church has yet to be determined, as his family has not yet found a place to live in their new community, and Mat wants to prayerfully work with leaders at Shiloh to prepare for his ministry transition.  InFaith: NW Oregon will also be assisting Shiloh’s leaders as they seek the Lord’s direction for their future.

Sandy Area Pastors’ Breakfast will be at Tollgate Inn, April 21 at 9 AM.  Please pray the Lord so ordains that the restaurant will still be able to accommodate our gathering, even in the changing regulatory environment.  I should have confirmation by Monday.

DATE CHANGE: Portland Pastors’ Prayer Moved to April 29 at 10 AM at Woodland Park Chapel.

Next NWXNW Gathering: May 10, 10 AM at Columbia Bible Church (Rainier)
Bonny Klukas has graciously offered to host the next NWxNW ministry leaders’ fellowship at Columbia Bible Church (Rainier) where her husband Robert serves as pastor.  We hope all the InFaith fellowship churches in the far northwest part of Oregon will be represented as we join in sharing and prayer for the spread of the Gospel in the NWxNW communities.

Praise God for His Advance Provision!
Sunday School Fellowship has received another $20 thousand donation toward the eventual reconstruction of Dodge Community Church (near Estacada).  Though plans have not yet been drawn, and no formal funding target has been set, it appears the Lord is moving hearts to rebuild the sanctuary which was consumed in last fall’s wildfire.  Thank you to the loving hearts in the InFaith fellowship congregation that made this most recent generous contribution.  Leaders at Dodge are praying for an experienced builder or retired contractor who might be willing to donate time to oversee the project.


Free Bible Study Curriculum!
The Church on the Mountain (Welches) is offering free “Living Together” Bible study curriculum to any fellowship who could make us of this valuable resource.  For detailed information, call TCOTM at 502-622-4079.

 Praise God for Healing!
Former InFaith field director Jim VanVoorst reports he is feeling great following his heart procedure last month.  In the process of treating his heart problems, Jim has also shed a few pounds.  Perhaps the Lord is preparing him for a few more times around the mountain!

 Also pray for the protection of our fellowship churches.  One church in the eastern part of the field cancelled services on the 11th after a couple of Covid-19 cases were reported in the congregation.

Finally, Thanks to those of you who noticed I didn’t send out last week’s “Weekly Memo.”  Maybe I should just call this the “Almost Weekly Memo.”  In any case, may the Lord bless you abundantly as you serve together in the name of His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ!

Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary

Tom Hiscox