Friendly Conversations About Race

Tony Drew, Amy Log-Drew, Pastor Brian Simmons leading a discussion at George Community Church.

Tony Drew, Amy Log-Drew, Pastor Brian Simmons leading a discussion at George Community Church.

In the last couple months, Pastor Brian Simmons (George Community Church) and his friends Tony & Amy Long-Drew have been opening dialog within local churches about issues of race and racial equality, and offering Christian perspectives toward this sometimes-uncomfortable topic.  After positive response to their first few “Friendly Conversations,” the three have offered to facilitate similar discussions in other InFaith: Northwest Oregon fellowships.  To get an idea how one of those conversations might go, watch Brian’s video at .  To set up a conversation, please contact Pastor Brian at .

Please Continue Your Prayers for Dan & Donna Lindsey
Dan is the former pastor of Glendoveer Baptist Church.  He is about to undergo eye surgery Tuesday for damage related to a previous cataract procedure.  His wife, Donna is just finishing her first round of chemo and radiation for cancer.  She will have a formal assessment Wednesday to find out how the treatments are working.

August Events:

Area Coordinators’ Annual Meeting                       August 17-18
For the InFaith area coordinators in the Northwest Field (Oregon, Idaho and Washington).  It is an online meeting this year, so I will still be in the office, but my phone and internet may be tied up those two days.

Sandy Area Pastors’ Breakfast                                   August 19, 9 AM               Tollgate Inn, Sandy

Portland Area Pastors’ Prayer                                    August 27, 10 AM            Woodland Park Chapel

NWxNW Ministry Leader’s Fellowship                     August 31, 10 AM            Hudson Park Bible Church, Rainier
Join us for the second of what we are hoping will be a monthly gathering of church leaders from the far northwest area of our field.  No agenda except the Lord’s – a time of prayer and sharing among fellow shepherds.

InFaith Field Staff (missionaries):  The 2020 Refresh Conference will still be held in New Jersey next month (September 22-25).  Home Office has reopened registration for those whose plans might have changed since the April Refresh was postponed.  The new registration deadline is August 10th.  Simply send an email to to let her know if you plans to attend.  Details about the conference can be obtained by contacting .

Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary

Tom Hiscox