Big Change in Oregon Church Re-Openings!
King David wrote Psalm 122 about the gladness of gathering as God’s people in God’s place. For David, it was the Tabernacle. in Solomon’s day, it became the Temple in Jerusalem. In the time of Jesus, he led us to understand he is present “where two or three have gathered together in My name” (Matthew 18:20). That’s a pretty small gathering, but we get the point. Jesus is with us when we are gathered in his name. Lately, Covid-19 restrictions have made our assembling as believers a bit more difficult, but not impossible. As of last Friday, small churches in Oregon have more reason to be glad: we are now allowed to gather in groups of up to 50. Please see the Governor’s full guidance statement by clicking here: .
Most InFaith: Northwest Oregon fellowship churches have re-opened in one form or another. Some have managed to maintain continuous services throughout the pandemic (so far). It is understandable if some are confused about the often-changing rules, and it is also understandable that congregational leaders need to take into account many factors in determining which services to resume, and how to do so while protecting the health of their congregants. You are to be commended for stretching yourselves, discovering new technologies and new approaches to ministry. Now that the door to the church has been opened just a little bit wider, I encourage you to continue reaching into your communities with the hope that is in Jesus, and offering your church services as a place to experience that hope together.
InFaith: Northwest Oregon Gatherings in August
Area Coordinators’ Annual Mtg Aug 17-18
This is for the area coordinators in the Northwest Field (Oregon, Idaho and Washington). It will be an online meeting this year, so my phone and internet might be tied up those two days.Sandy Area Pastors’ Breakfast
Aug 19, 9 AM Tollgate Inn, SandyPortland Area Pastors’ Prayer
August 27, 10 AM Woodland Park ChapelNWxNW Ministry Leaders’ Fellowship August 31, 10 AM Hudson Park Bible Church, Rainier
Join us for what we are hoping will be a monthly gathering of church leaders from the far northwest area of our field (roughly the communities off of Highway 30 from Scappoose to the coast). No agenda except the Lord’s – a time of prayer and sharing among fellow shepherds.
For the sake of my brothers and my friends, I will now say, "May peace be within you." For the sake of the house of the LORD our God I will seek your good. (Psalm 122:8-9)
Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary