Decades of Service to Jesus - and still going strong!
Pastor Steve Roth Celebrates 40 years at Eastmont Bible Church
Congratulations to Pastor Steve Roth and his wife Carol who have served 40 years at Eastmont Bible Church in Boring, OR. It was a joy to worship with the Eastmont congregation this Sunday as Pastor Steve shared from the parables of Christ in Matthew 13. Sunday marked 40 years to the day when Steve first stepped into the Eastmont pulpit. For most of that time he has been assisted by pastor Doug Hewitt (pictured on the right of the photo) and his wife Vickie. Eastmont’s small congregation has managed to safely conduct weekly worship services throughout the pandemic, as have several other small churches in our fellowship.
Thanks to the Glendoveer Work Crew!
You know who you are, but so should everyone else: Pastor Brad Gentry, Pastor Steven Boyle, Pastor Merle Davis, InFaith Field Director Jim VanVoorst, Woodland Park Chapel’s Gary Flood, Columbia Community Bible Church’s Gene Giancanteri. Thank you all for showing up Saturday to help clean up Glendoveer Chapel (Portland) for its new owners. Your faithfulness to the Lord is a blessing to your fellow workers in Christ. InFaith expects to close escrow and transfer the keys to the new owners by mid-week. Soon thereafter, I hope to be able to introduce you all to the new Arab Christian congregation that will be glorifying God together in that part of Portland. By the way, I still have an SUV full of kitchen tools & appliances and nursery supplies from Glendoveer. If you would like to look through them to see if there is something your ministry could use, please contact me before Thursday. That’s when I plan to drop the remainder off with the Salvation Army.
InFaith: Northwest Oregon Sandy Area Pastors Meet at Tollgate this Week!
Join us for the first pastors’ breakfast in a couple of months, Wednesday morning the 17th at 9 AM at the Tollgate Inn in Sandy. Be sure to bring face masks to use while we are waiting in line. The restaurant will seat the first eight of us at one table, and latecomers will be at a separate table nearby. Still it will be nice to share face-to-face fellowship once again. Please let me know if you plan to attend, so that I can give a close count to the great Tollgate Staff (And it wouldn’t hurt to tip them well. Their servers lost a lot of income while the restaurant was closed.) Thanks again to Pastor Glenn Austin from Aims Community Church who set up our Zoom conferences in April and May. They were a great way to share when we weren’t allowed to get together.
Thursday’s Portland Area Pastors’ Prayer will be Held Again at Woodland Park Chapel (Portland)
Meet us at 10 AM June 18th to express our adoration for the Lord, confess our need for His daily guidance, thank Him for his provision for our churches and families, and bow before him in supplication as we bring before him the needs of the ministries in this field.
Please continue in prayer for Pastor Dan and Donna Lindsey as Donna continues her cancer treatments. Pastor Dan called to thank the kind member of our InFaith fellowship who stopped by to visit Donna. But since Dan wasn’t home at the time, and Donna didn’t get the person’s name, Dan would like you to contact him again so he can thank you personally.
Please also pray for Guy McAllister, son of former Area Missionary Grant McAllister and Katie. Guy had been scheduled for cancer surgery a couple of weeks ago, but tested positive for the coronavirus. The surgery was postponed and Guy had to self isolate until the virus is past. This has caused members of his family to also place themselves under restrictions, including Grant and Katie. Please pray that Guy’s next covid-19 test turns up negative and that the cancer treatment will be successful.
It was also great to see a picture from Mountain Home Church on Facebook. It looks like their drive in service this Sunday, with cars on the lawn and a stage on the porch of the old Elwood Schoolhouse, was joyful success. May God bless you all as you find creative ways to serve Him in your own neighborhoods during this unique time in history.
Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary