Still Preparing to ADVANCE!

Your input is needed now regarding ADVANCE 2021!


Our January 22-24 reservation at Twin Rocks Friends Camp has been cancelled.  The camp and conference center will be closed in January due to Covid precautions and staffing issues.  But we are not giving up yet!  Please click here to answer one question which will help me consider our options for Advance.  I know this fellowship, prayer and sharing opportunity for pastors, missionaries and their spouses is a great blessing to all of us in need of rest and reinvigoration.  I would like to try to keep it going, even with these last-minute changes.  Lord willing, and with your help, we will!  Please click the link today and give me your input.

November InFaith: Northwest Oregon Events:

May the Lord continue to bring unity and peace among your fellowships.

Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary

Tom Hiscox