Prayer and Thanksgiving
Pray for Pastor George Crisman
Please continue in prayer for Pastor George Crisman of Bonita Community Church. George was severely injured in a logging accident about two weeks ago, and remains in intensive care at OHSU. At last report, George was seeing some improvement on Sunday. Praise God! George’s son Bruce has given keys to the Bonita church building to Sunday School Fellowship secretary Brad Gentry. (The building is owned by SSF.) I will be meeting with the SSF board at Bonita on December 5th. We hope to be able to resume some aspect of George’s ministry there in the future, possibly starting with the small group of Spanish-speaking children who had met weekly for fellowship. For now, we will be bringing George and all those impacted before the Lord in our prayers.
Progress is being seen at Dodge
It’s a small step, but it’s a step forward. The Dodge Community Church site has been cleared and regraded in preparation for whatever the Lord has in store for the future. The church building was demolished in September’s wildfire. For now, planning continues, and the church is meeting for worship Sundays at Hillockburn Farms, just a couple driveways away from the church site.
Eastmont Church Hosts Thanksgiving Sharing
Pastor Steve Roth would like you all to know that Eastmont Bible Church in Boring will be meeting at 10 AM on Thursday for a solid hour of simply sharing words of gratitude to the Lord. Steve says there will be no sermon, just messages of thanksgiving from the mouths of the participants. For information about Eastmont church (or any of the churches in the InFaith: Northwest Oregon fellowship) go to and click on “Find a Fellowship Church.”
NWXNW Meets Next Monday
The monthly gathering of church leaders in the far northwest area of InFaith: Northwest Oregon is still planned for Monday, November 30th at 10 AM at Hudson Park Bible Church in Rainier. This is a great opportunity for church leaders to share the joys and challenges of ministry, to learn from one another and the lift one another in prayer. In case you are wondering, the assembly meets the 25-person indoor limit under the current Covid-19 “freeze” order. Participants are asked to bring a mask and observe physical distancing as well as possible. (We also expect that brothers and sisters in Christ will continue to extend to each other a great deal of grace, as we know there are strong and differing opinions on the need for compliance with the governor’s order.) A question to chew on before the meeting: what would happen to your church ministry if the Lord were to call you home? I would love to hear your thoughts when we gather together.
Garfield Community Church Seeking a New Pastor
Our brothers and sisters at Garfield have recently begun seeking a new shepherd for their small congregation just outside of Estacada. The part-time position comes with a parsonage, monthly stipend, and a loving community seeking to move forward with the Lord. Click here to review the listing on Western Seminary’s placement page.
Still Planning for ADVANCE 2021…but When?
If you have not already given your input on possible plans for ADVANCE 2021 yet, please click here and take about two minutes to share your opinion. Twin Rocks has cancelled our January 22-24 reservation, because they will be closed that month. I have been looking for alternate sites and dates that can meet our needs, but phone calls from meeting venues are being returned rather slowly these days. The survey at the link asks you to select from some general options, and will give me some ideas as I decide whether or not to try to reschedule the event which some many of us love each year. Thanks for your help!
Happy Thanksgiving! May our hearts overflow with gratitude this week, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, knowing that every good and perfect gift comes from above.
Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary