InFaith: Northwest Oregon Weekly Memo
Pray for Pastor Frank Campbell
Brother Frank is recovering after having gall bladder surgery on Sunday. Frank’s wife Gail expects him to be released from the hospital this afternoon, and appreciates your prayers…but she also says it is too soon for visitors. In the past, Frank shepherded Garfield Community Church and Dodge Community Church (and for several years, a church in Idaho). Most recently, he has been serving as treasurer of Sunday School Fellowship and helping preach the Word at several churches in the field, including Dover Community Church, where he and Gail have become members.
Click Here Now if You have Not Already Registered for Advance 2020!
The refreshing annual getaway for InFaith: Northwest Oregon pastors, missionaries and spouses is less than a month away (January 24-26) at Twin Rocks in Rockaway Beach. We will need to give a room/meals guarantee to the conference center very soon. So please help us out by getting your registration forms in now. Payment can come as late as the first day of the event. Don’t miss this inspiring time of challenge and encouragement from guest speaker, Dan Robinson. Join with us as we praise Jesus through music led by Tim and Judy Simon from The Church on the Mountain; take in a little quiet time on the beach, enjoy the recreational facilities of Twin Rocks, or souvenir shipping at quaint coastal towns. This is your time to rest, refresh and reinvigorate your passion for ministry. By the way, if your church does not currently have a pastor, or if your pastor cannot attend, please consider sending another leader or leadership couple to share the weekend with us. Those who share the burden of ministry leadership should also share the blessings! And if you have the resources to help another ministry couple attend – and would like to help them out anonymously – that can be arranged. Please let me know soon!
Upcoming Church Visits
It will be my privilege to speak Sunday, January 5 at Columbia Community Bible Church (Portland) as that congregation re-dedicates themselves to rebuilding their ministry and fellowship, following the flooding and restoration of the church building. Please pray for Rev. Steven Boyle and thank God for the faithfulness of those members of the congregation who have returned, committed to representing Jesus in their community. January 12, Caroline and I will be speaking and singing at Columbia Bible Church (Rainier) in the morning, then – hopefully that afternoon – meeting with a group of leaders in a nearby community who would like help planting a new ministry to their neighbors and neighborhood. January 19, we are at Dodge Community Church (Colton). Please continue to pray for that congregation, which has resumed its pastoral search process. We are currently booking speaking engagements for February, so if I can help, please let me know!
Ministry Funding Update
After two years, our InFaith: Northwest Oregon ministry for Jesus continues, thanks to loving, faithful supporters. The Lord is to be praised! Contributions to InFaith: Northwest Oregon have come up just a tiny bit short in 2019. As of this morning, we are only about $1500 shy of our revised 2019 fundraising goal. (Many of you know the budget was already cut in half at mid-year to adjust for giving trends.) Yet - despite the numbers - the Lord is still honoring our commitment, and your partnership serving the Great Commission in Northwest Oregon. A few of the churches in this field are also experiencing financial struggles…but their pastors and leaders continue to serve with joy and faith that the Lord will supply all their needs “according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) As the new year begins, we trust you will all individually spend time with the Lord, considering your financial contribution to His work: through your local church, through missionaries and other ministries, and perhaps, through InFaith: Northwest Oregon. If He is leading you today to contribute to our support, please click here to give through the InFaith website. Drop me a note and I can fill you in on the needs of this ministry in a little more detail. God bless you in 2020!
Upcoming Events:
January 4, 10 AM, Sunday School Fellowship Board Meeting, Carver Community Church
January 15, 9 AM, Sandy Area Pastors’ Breakfast, Tollgate Inn, Sandy (Thanks, Brad Gentry, for hosting in December!)
January 16, 10 AM, Portland Area Pastors’ Prayer, Woodland Park Chapel, Portland
January 24-26 ADVANCE 2020! at Twin Rocks in Rockaway Beach REGISTER NOW!
Thank you to all of you who have congratulated us on the birth of our grandson Arthur Johansen. Meeting him has been a blessing, and a reminder that the Lord is always providing a new generation that needs to learn of His love. Thanks for being part of sharing that message!
Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary