When Plans Collide, OR Come Together

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”  -James 4:13-15 ESV

Caroline Hiscox leading in worship at George Community Church on Mothers’ Day, May 12, 2024

The brother of Jesus warned us against presumptuous planning!  Caroline and I have been reminded of this admonition this past week.  We remain aware of it today, as I am on call to help my elderly mother, who is currently hospitalized in Corvallis, and Caroline is on call to help our youngest daughter, who is expecting her third child any day now.  So we are learning once again to “flex” as the Lord’s plan for our lives trumps our own ideas.  Life is indeed like a mist.  It can appear and disappear and is impossible to grasp or control even when it is right in front of you.  There is only One who has that power: It is He who makes the plan!

 His plans and ours were in sync these last two Sundays, as we were blessed to be able to share music and messages with our friends at George Community Church.  We were part of that fellowship 20-30 years ago and are pleased to still have some very close friends there.  It is particularly rewarding to see some of the “children” who have grown up in the church, now leading their own kids into relationships with Jesus.  Thanks also to Jim & Patty Elliot and Marlon & Connie Smith for hosting us for lunch and vigorous conversation!

I am hoping for equally stimulating exchanges tomorrow morning (Wednesday, May 15 at 9 AM) at Tollgate Inn in Sandy.  That’s when we hold our monthly InFaith Fellowship Breakfast for ministry leaders from churches on the eastern side of our field.  The informal no-host breakfast is sometimes informational, frequently inspiring, and always interesting, as the Lord dictates the agenda through the hearts and minds of this assembly of shepherds.  Come join us!

 Coming up next week: NWXNW ministry leaders fellowship, Tuesday, May 21, 3-5 PM at Mayger-Downing Community Church.

 Finally, I am pleased to report that Sunday School Fellowship is partnering with Deer Island Community Church to help that fellowship update its HVAC system and some other electrical issues.  The SSF board of trustees voted last week to approve an interest free loan and other assistance for DICC.  The project should get underway soon.  If your InFaith-affiliated church is also a part of Sunday School Fellowship (and most of you are), then your group may wish to apply for similar assistance through the SSF interest-free loan program.  Give me a call or drop me a note if you would like more information about how the program works and who might qualify.  It really is a simple process, and a blessing that SSF has provided for decades.

 May your plans for this week align well with His plans to bless you!

Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary  thiscox@infaith.org

Tom Hiscox