Looking into Appointed Times

The Bible tells us “There is an appointed time for everything.  And there is a time for every event under heaven…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)   Among the events mentioned in the verses that follow we see the ever-changing course of life full of contrasts, of joy and sorrow, of beginnings and ends, even of speaking out and stepping back, of changes we welcome and some we would prefer not to see.  But the key to the passage is understanding that each of these times are “appointed.”  They are not random accidents of impersonal fate, or whimsical choices.  They are the unfolding of a carefully planned course that leads us back to our Creator.  As the apostle Paul wrote, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

 As you read through this weekly memo, I trust you will keep in mind that God is always in control, and that you are called according to His purpose.  So in each appointed event and time, let’s be ready and willing to ask, “Lord, how can I best answer your calling and serve your purpose today?”

Sandy Fellowship Breakfast
Wednesday, April 17 @ 9 AM
Tollgate Inn, Sandy

Wednesday morning’s InFaith Fellowship Breakfast in Sandy could be quite the “spectacle.”  Gary Flood and Brad Gentry of Woodland Park Chapel will be sharing with us about an eyeglass distribution mission they have discovered, that shares vision with the world as they redistribute used eyeglasses to those in need.  If you are like me, and have several extra pair sitting around the house, you might want to bring a few of them to breakfast to donate.

Helen Hoffman Memorial Donations

The family of our late sister Helen Hoffman wants to thank those of you who have expressed your condolences following Helen’s graduation to Heaven last month.  As some have asked for a tangible way to honor her memory, her son Tom Hoffman has suggested that donations could be made to the Sunday School Fellowship Pastor’s Emergency Fund (or PEF).  Checks may be made out to SSF and should include a note indicating they are for PEF in memory of Helen Hoffman. These donations may be mailed to Tom Hiscox, InFaith: Northwest Oregon, 44200 SE Connett Rd, Corbett, OR  97019.

A Change Underway at Sunday School Fellowship

Another “appointed time” has come to the Sunday School Fellowship board of trustees.  Trustee and treasurer Frank Campbell and his wife Gail this week announced plans to move to Walla-Walla, Washington to be closer to family.  Their departure later this spring will leave quite a hole in the SSF board, as Frank has been a good and faithful servant helping advance the work of Jesus through that volunteer ministry.  The SSF board next meets in May and is praying the Lord provides another to help fill this vital role.  It may also be possible to have a treasurer who is not an official board member, but who serves at the direction of the board.  If you know of a potential volunteer or board candidate from your church who might like to serve, please contact me, thiscox@infaith.org, or SSF board chairman Pastor Seth Lewis, sethlws14@gmail.com

Caroline and I will be out of town April 22-28 to attend InFaith’s national Refresh conference at Mt Hermon Christian Retreat Center in California.  I will still be available to you by phone, text or email, but my responses may be a bit slower than usual.  May the Lord bless you all as we work together to share His love in our communities.

Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary thiscox@infaith.org

Tom Hiscox