InFaith: Northwest Oregon

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Happy New Year!

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV


George Community Church Barn Sing
December 20, 2023

With Elaine Butler on piano and Caroline Hiscox on guitar, George Community Church led neighbors in singing praises to King Jesus a few nights before Christmas in the cozy setting of Marlon and Connie Smith’s barn.  It wasn’t quite the manger in Bethlehem, but it was a wonderful reminder of the humble beginnings of Jesus’ earthly life.  The barn sing prompted a few questions about the InFaith/Sunday School Fellowship Hymnsings, which were just gaining steam when the pandemic hit.  Are they coming back?  That’s up to the Lord, and you.  If you have interest in helping plan 2024 hymnsings for the churches we serve, drop me a note at . We would love to have a few extra hands and brains on the team!


John Abraham Worship Band

It looks like we can expect a great turnout of pastors, missionaries and their spouses at Advance 2024, January 19-21.  As of January 4, we have 46 people pre-registered for InFaith: Northwest Oregon’s annual weekend of encouragement and renewal at Twin Rocks Friends Camp in Rockaway Beach.  Guest speaker Roy Yanke of PIR Ministries will be joined by the John Abraham Worship Band leading us in worship in our general sessions, while all the attendees share in creating a welcoming environment of fellowship, unity and fun!  There is still room for a few more.  Click here for more information and an opportunity to pre-register.

 Sandy Fellowship Breakfast, January 20th, 9 AM
Just before Advance, pastors and church leaders in the eastern portion of our field will gather for our first Sandy Fellowship Breakfast of the New Year.  Join us at 9 AM for an hour or so of sharing over a no-host meal at Tollgate Inn.  RSVP to, or just drop in.  You are always welcome.

 Portland Area Pastors Prayer, February 8, 10 AM
Come share the thanksgiving, praises, prayers and petitions of your ministry as we seek the Lord’s presence together a the first InFaith: Northwest Oregon pastors prayer gathering of the New Year, February 8 at Woodland Park Chapel.  We will be skipping this monthly gathering in January in order to keep other ministry commitments, but we generally meet every month to go before the Lord on behalf of all the churches and ministries in the InFaith: Northwest Oregon fellowship.

 Answers to Prayer:

Merle Davis – Pastor Merle reports  “no lingering effects” from the mild stroke he suffered last month, and he is praising the Lord for getting him back on his feet so quickly.

Jason Young – Pastor Jason was back in the pulpit Sunday at Dover Community Church.  He is still recovering from the first of two procedures to correct a heart-rhythm problem, and is still thanking the Lord for the healing he is receiving.  Your continued prayers are appreciated!


Tom Hiscox, Area Missionary