Where two or three are gathered...
“For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst.” - Jesus Christ, Mathew 18:20 NASB
The Spirit of the Lord was definitely in the midst of those at Advance 2024 this past weekend at Twin Rocks on the Oregon coast. Despite heavy snow and ice storms inland, thirty-nine InFaith-connected pastors, church leaders, missionaries, spouses and special guests joined together for fellowship, renewal and refreshment. The weekend started with an amazing break in the storms Friday afternoon through Saturday morning, showing off God’s power and creativity from the beach to the mountaintops. Guest speaker Roy Yanke of PIR Ministries challenged and encouraged us with four thought-provoking messages on Finding Grace…when ministry expectations fail us. The John Abraham Worship Band led in powerful singing to the Lord all weekend long, and loving fellowship continued all day and late into the night.
Bryce O. Bartruff Servant-Leader Award
We also took a moment at Advance to remember a passionate servant-leader who has gone on before us to be with the Lord. The 2024 Bryce O. Bartruff Servant-Leader Award was announced in memory of Pastor Mark Helmberger of Woodland Park Chapel, who passed into the arms of Jesus in 2022. The plaque will actually be presented later this year, when Mark’s wife Lisa and ministry partner Pastor Brad Gentry can attend. Both were kept from Advance by the ice storms in Portland.
Up Next: InFaith Portland Area Pastors Prayer, Feb 7
Join fellow shepherds for an hour or so together with the Lord, Thursday, February 7 at Woodland Park Chapel in Portland, starting at 10 AM. No reservations necessary, just join us, prepared to have a conversation with the Creator.
May the week ahead be free of storms, but if not, may the Lord grant you the peace to look upward for His grace in the midst of whatever you may face.
Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary thiscox@infaith.org