What if it Snows?
Dear Friends of InFaith: Northwest Oregon,
Advance 2024: What if it snows?
It is a bit too early to know if the Lord will be providing snow at the coast during Advance 2024, January 19-21 at Twin Rocks Friends Camp. The most detailed forecast I can obtain as of January 10 only looks as far as Tuesday. In my neck of the woods, we are expecting off and on snow showers and low temperatures through the 16th, with a possible big snowstorm this Friday. But the weather for Advance weekend is still up in the air.
I am praying for clear roads and safe travels for all, and recommending you start checking your routes today, especially those of you who usually travel from Banks to Tillamook over Highway 6. That stretch could remain treacherous even after the weekend storm passes. If there are any changes to our plans, we will try to contact every registered attendee as soon as we can. In the meantime, I am rejoicing that we have 46 people pre-registered and a few “maybes” who have yet to confirm. I am looking forward to fellowship at the fireside, and all the other blessed experiences of our annual gathering for the pastors, church leaders, missionaries and spouses we serve. For details and pre-registration info, click here.
Sandy Fellowship Breakfast, January 17, 9 AM at Tollgate Inn
Just a couple days before Advance, pastors and church leaders from the eastern portion of our field will be gathering at Tollgate Inn for our monthly Sandy Fellowship Breakfast. Join us for a no-host meal and stimulating conversation among fellow workers for Christ. You might even be able to arrange your carpools for Advance weekend, over a plate of pancakes and eggs!
Praying for all of you, until he comes!
Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary thiscox@infaith.org