InFaith: Northwest Oregon

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Warming Up the Chill of Fall with the Love of Jesus!

Friends of InFaith and Fellow Servants of Jesus:
Chilly fall days are made much better by the warm hearts of God’s people!  We pray you will avail yourself of the many opportunities to join with other believers this season to celebrate your blessing and salvation through Jesus Christ.  Here are a few updates on what is happening in our ministry among the InFaith fellowship churches of Northwest Oregon.  

Pastor Scott Thompson, Holbrook Bible Church - October 29, 2023

Blessed by a Visit to Holbrook Bible Church
Caroline and I had a great time Sunday visiting with the folks at Holbrook Bible Church.  Pastor Scott Thompson and elder Norm Johnson graciously invited me to share a few words of encouragement with the congregation, before Pastor Scott gave a thoughtful reflection on what it means to have Christ as our Anchor (from Hebrews 6:9-12).  An unexpected honor was being asked to help judge the congregation’s “cookoff” during their potluck lunch afterward.  Though it may seem that I was asked to set aside Jesus’ admonition in Matthew 7:1, rest assured it was all in good fun!

Speaking at HPBC – Sunday, November 5
We will be back in the “NWxNW” portion of our field this coming Sunday November 5, speaking with the growing congregation at Hudson Park Bible Church.  It is always wonderful to see the work the Lord has done at Hudson Park in just these last few years.

Portland Pastors Prayer – November 9
Pastors and friends of InFaith in the Portland area are invited to join in our monthly Portland Pastors Prayer meeting, November 9 at 10 AM at Woodland Park Chapel (1914 NE 102nd Ave, Portland).  This intimate gathering is always a wonderful opportunity to support the work of the Lord in northwest Oregon, by bringing thanks, praises and petitions before Him on behalf of the brothers and sisters in our 20 fellowship churches.

NWxNW – November 14
Church leaders from the six congregations in our NWxNW area (out Highway 30 from Portland) will be gathering for fellowship Tuesday, November 14 at 3:30 PM at the Brownlow home, 785 Bel Air Drive, Clatskanie.  Don’t miss this opportunity to share and fellowship with your fellow workers in Christ.

Sandy Fellowship Breakfast – November 15
The next morning it is time for folks in the eastern part of the field to gather for the Sandy Fellowship Breakfast, 9 AM at the Tollgate Inn in Sandy.  The no host, no agenda gathering is a great opportunity to experience “iron sharpening iron” as conversation can range the latest football game to the implications of imprecatory prayer in the 21st century church (OK.  I made that topic up…but you get the idea, I hope😊)  I also hope to see many of you there!

May the Word of our Lord Jesus Christ and the encouragement of the Holy Spirit be constantly on your heart this week!

Tom Hiscox,