Sharing Jesus at a Kid's Level (which event adults appreciate!)

Dear Friends of InFaith: Northwest Oregon!
We hope you have a minute or two to enjoy a few ministry highlights from our mission field this week:

The InFaith Children’s Ministry Conference/Outreach Event is Coming This Weekend!
If anyone from your congregation is planning to attend Friday’s InFaith Children’s Outreach Event or Saturday’s Children’s Ministry Training Conference (both at Carver Church in Damascus), please let us know as soon as possible by calling 971-645-2777 or registering online on our events page at (If you are reading this on your computer, simply click the link and you will be taken to the registration page.)

     Friday night’s outreach event is a one-hour presentation of the Gospel by illusionist, puppeteer, balloon sculptor, evangelist Brett Belleque and his team.   It will be a great opportunity for your kids to hear about Jesus in a safe, fun environment.

Saturday’s training workshops for children’s ministry workers start at 9:30 AM and end at 3:30 PM and will cover a variety of topics including: How to Revitalize Children’s Ministry in a Childless Church. If you would like to attend, please let us know today, so we can prepare for you to be blessed!

Photo: Rev. Steven Boyle & Pastor Abner Naanyane of Columbia Community Bible Church (Portland) presenting a memorial certificate to the family of elder Norm Morrow, 10/14/23

Norm Morrow’s Memorial Was Held Saturday
The Lord was honored this past Saturday as family and friends gathered at Camp Morrow to remember the life and ministry of elder Norm Morrow, a key leader in Hayden Island Community Church and then Columbia Community Bible Church before passing into glory earlier this year.  CCBC pastor Rev. Steven Boyle and associate pastor Abner Naanyane were on hand for the informal service. 

Steven shares: “We had a wonderful time reminiscing with these dear folks….At the same time they celebrated the marriage of Norm's brother… Herb (Norval) Morrow.  Associate Pastor Abner and I passed along the Certificate of Appreciation, posthumously, to Marjorie (Norm's daughter), for Norm being recognized as Elder Emeritus at Columbia Community Bible Church.” 

What’s an InFaith “Associate?”
For those of you who don’t know, Steven Boyle has been an InFaith “Associate” for several years, working with missionary Alan Baumgarden long before I was called to this post.  If you are interested in what it means to be an “Associate” or even to become a missionary or “field staff” member, I would be happy to talk with you.  We always need more workers for the Harvest!

Photo: Pastor Robert Klukas speaking from Acts 9 at Columbia Bible Church (Rainier), 10/15/23

Worship Celebration at Columbia Bible Church
Caroline and I enjoyed the hospitality and teaching at Columbia Bible Church (Rainier) this past Sunday.  Pastor Robert Klukas offered a thought-provoking exploration of the motivation behind the apostle Paul’s ministry.  This tight-knit small congregation is also making plans for the eventual replacement of the aging roof of the church building they have been blessed to use rent-free for the past couple decades.

What are these guys staring at? Hint: Pastor Jason Young of Dover Community Church and InFaith candidate Joshua Morgan are either listening to a deep theological/ministerial discussion, or they are wondering when the waitress will arrive to take their order.

Come to this week’s Sandy Fellowship Breakfast and you might find out!   Wednesday, October 18, 9 AM at Tollgate Inn, Sandy.  The monthly breakfast is a great time of interaction for ministry leaders to exchange ideas and lift each other up as we all serve Jesus in our communities.

 Mark the Date for NWxNW ministry leaders’ fellowship: Tuesday, November 14 at 3:00 PM at 395 Bel Air Drive, Clatskanie.  Thanks to Scott and Chanie Brownlow of Shiloh Basin Community Church for hosting us in their home.

And thanks to each one of you for faithfully remembering us in your prayers, as we remember you in ours.  May God bless you this week!

Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary

Tom Hiscox