Signs of God's Blessings!
Sandy Area Pastors Breakfast at Tollgate Inn
Tuesday, October 19, 10 AM
“…they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people.” (Acts 2:46)
What was true of the early disciples may also be said of the InFaith-affiliated pastors and church leaders on the east portion of our field. As we take our monthly breakfast there is much gladness and sincerity of heart as we share a no-host meal together and encourage one another with stories of what God is doing among his people. Join us Tuesday, October 19, and share your stories too!
Please God, give us a sign!
Columbia Community Bible Church on Marine Drive in Portland received an answer to that prayer this month in a very tangible way. The church’s long-awaited street sign has been installed, beckoning to neighbors and passers-by to stop in and hear the Word of Salvation. Pastor Steven Boyle says the last few finishing touches include lighting that will pierce the darkness in the neighborhood. CCBC is truly a mission church, in a part of Portland that has been difficult to penetrate with the Gospel. Frankly, they could use a few more laborers for the Harvest. In particular, they could use committed believers gifted in music and/or administration who are eager to use their gifts for the Lord. If the Spirit nudges you, please contact Rev. Boyle at , or stop in on a Sunday morning to share in the worship.
Rejoicing in New Believers!
The Carver Church welcomed two new believers into the family of God this Sunday in a special service in the middle of Clackamas River. Nick and Natalie accepted Jesus recently after several months of attending Carver Church and sitting under the teaching of Pastor Seth Lewis. Praise God!
Bridal Veil Church Celebrates 90 years of Service to Jesus!
Bridal Veil Church (on Lucas Road in the Corbett/Springdale area) is celebrating 90 years of service to the Lord in November. Since the actual anniversary falls right after Thanksgiving, Pastor Tim Moberg says the congregation got a head start on the festivities with a reception after the worship service this Sunday. The old American Sunday School Union Field Register shows the ministry at Bridal Veil was planted November 27, 1932 by ASSU missionary F.P. Allen.
For decades the congregation worshipped in a sanctuary that sat alongside the railroad tracks near the Bridal Veil exit from the Columbia River Gorge highway. However, several years ago, when that older building was scheduled for demolition, the Lord opened the door for the congregation to move to Lucas Road into the former Springdale Community Bible Church building. May the Lord continue to build and grow that small ministry, which has borne fruit for the Kingdom for 9 decades now.
October: Pastor Appreciation Month!
”Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.” (Heb 13:17)
Pastors Boyd Kifer, Ben LeMaster, Phil May, Rene Schlaepfer, Roger Snyder, Kerry Tweed, and Ray Campbell. You may not know their names, but you can be assured God does. Each of these Godly men (and many others) were used by Him in my spiritual education and growth over the years, as the Lord prepared me to serve him in vocational ministry, and as that journey moved me from place to place, and even overseas. So this month, Pastor Appreciation Month, I am especially thankful to the Lord for bringing these men into my life. Do the shepherds who brought you along this far realize how much impact they had on you? Now would be a good time to let them know.
Prayer Update: Norm Morrow
Please continue in prayer for elder Norm Morrow of Columbia Community Bible Church. As of last Thursday, he remained in the hospital following a fall which injured his vertebrae. Norm, 94, is a member of the family which gave the land near Wamic for Camp Morrow to be built.
I am looking forward to spending most of next week in North Carolina, gathering with other InFaith missionaries for our annual Refresh conference. It is always a blessed time as we learn from the Word, worship together and learn about the Lord’s work through InFaith across the country. Please pray that this quick cross-country trip will truly be a refreshing time for me and will help refine the vision for our ministry here in Northwest Oregon.
May the Lord bless each one of you as you serve Him this week!
Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary