InFaith: Northwest Oregon

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Here We Go Again!


As I write this memo, Oregon Governor Kate Brown is on the radio issuing a statewide mask mandate for all persons in indoor “public spaces” regardless of their vaccination status.  It is far too early to know what the impact will be on local churches, especially since the newly-announced mandate has not yet been published online (or at least I cant find it yet).  At this point my advice to all InFaith: NW Oregon affiliated fellowships is to comply with the mandate, insofar as it does not require you to violate a clear Biblical command.  At the same time, I recognize that all of you are independent bodies of believers, that this very issue has already divided some of your congregations, and the debate over this type of government mandate has been unfortunately a cause of ungodly behavior among some whose emotions are already at a fever pitch.  I cannot and will not stand in judgment over your congregational decisions in this matter.  I trust that you will guard against hasty reactions to this latest change, trust God to protect His people,  and err on the side of unity, consideration and love for one another.  I also encourage individual congregants to show due honor, compassion, love and respect for your local church leaders who are tasked with making some of these difficult decisions.   I commend those of you who have used the COVID crisis as an opportunity to reach out to your neighbors and congregations in creative new ways despite the limitations which have been imposed.  Remember: Our mandate from Jesus is to “…make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I commanded you… (Matthew 28:19-20 NASB).  We are to work toward that mandate, even if the Adversary places obstacles before us.  And remember, there is no obstacle so great that our God cannot move it, remove it, break through it or empower us to overcome it.



Pastor Michael Olivares (seated in the center of the photo) was installed Sunday, August 8 as the new lead shepherd at Garfield Community Church in Estacada.  In his installation message, Pastor Olivares expressed his ministry priority to “preach the Word” as the apostle Paul advised his protégé Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:16-4:2.  The pastor, his wife Brooke and their two young daughters are just getting settled in the parsonage in Garfield.  Prior to being called to Garfield, pastor Olivares served as associate pastor of a church in Mulino, and then planted and led a church in Molalla for about five years.  He is a graduate of both Multnomah University and Western Seminary.  Assisting in the installation with the laying on of hands and prayers of support were myself (left in photo), Garfield elder Brian Becker (center back) and pastor Eric Spuur of Mount Angel Bible Church (right).



Lord willing, Pastor Olivares will be joining us at the InFaith pastors’ breakfast next Wednesday, August 18, 9 AM at the Tollgate Inn in Sandy.  The no-host meal is a chance for church leaders to share and pray together over a great meal, usually held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.  You are invited as well!


The monthly pastors’ prayer time at Woodland Park Chapel is on hiatus for August.  We will meet again in September.



Thank you again for all your prayers, cards, calls, emails and support after my father passed away last month.  His memorial last Friday in Eureka, California was a beautiful time of tribute and remembrance for me and a couple dozen members of our family.  Please continue in prayer for Alan Baumgarden, whose mpther passed away recently; and for pastor Marc Hemberger who continues his battle with cancer.


May the Lord bless you and keep you as you serve in the name of Jesus.


Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary