Worship Continues as We Await the Coming of Jesus

Pastor Nick Castillo leads Dodge Community Church in singing praise to the Lord.   August 23, 2010

Pastor Nick Castillo leads Dodge Community Church in singing praise to the Lord. August 23, 2010

Worship Resumes at Dodge Community Church
It was good to join in worship Sunday with the folks at Dodge Community Church.  Visiting pastor Nick Castillo led the congregation in an open-air service on the church fellowship patio.  Speaking from Mark 4, pastor Castillo reminded us all that fruit is produced in our lives when we hear and accept the word of God.  This was the first face-to-face worship service at the Dodge church since mid-July.  The congregation plans to meet outside again next Sunday, August 30. 

Just a little further down Highway 211 in Elwood, Mountain Home Church also met outside Sunday for another of their “drive-in” services.  Pastor Dan Wentworth shared a message from Romans 16.  It is wonderful to see how creative some of our small churches are being in continuing to bring the Gospel of Jesus to their communities.

Garfield Community Church Gets a Visit from an Old Friend
Garfield Community Church (Estacada) is preparing for an extended visit from former pastor Dr. Jeremy Stefano.  Jeremy, who used to lead the Garfield flock several years ago, has offered to work alongside former Garfield pastor Brian Becker and members of the church board, as they seek the Lord’s will for the long-term direction of that ministry.  The Stefano family will return to the parsonage for about four months, starting in September.  After his previous service at Garfield, Jeremy pastored a church in Massachusetts for several years.  Recently he has been working through Gordon-Conwell Seminary to help ministries in transition.

Help Needed to Honor Our Pastors’ Wives
For several years, we have held a Pastors’ Wives’ Lunch, Brunch or other event in the fall to honor those who work alongside our shepherds in leading our churches.  This year, the planning has been delayed as we have watched public meeting regulations change frequently.  I am asking for your creative help.  We may or may not be able to have a lunch or brunch this year, but I am confident some of you may have other creative ideas for honoring these faithful women (probably some time in October).  All ideas are welcome, but even more welcome are ideas accompanied by offers to help with the implementation 😊.  Please drop me a note at thiscox@infaith.org .

Sunday School Fellowship Board Meets September 12 at Carver
After being taken a bit off-track by Covid shutdowns, the board of Sunday School Fellowship will be meeting September 12 at Carver Church to resume their service to the Lord and His churches in this area.  The Fellowship’s annual meeting and other in-person activities had to be cancelled this spring.  The board hopes to address that issue and others that have arisen in the interim.  Many thanks to board members Mat Neahring, Steven Boyle, Brad Gentry, Frank Campbell, Seth Lewis and Alan Baumgarden for their service.

Upcoming Events this Month

•             Portland Area Pastors’ Prayer, August 27, 10 AM at Woodland Park Chapel, Portland

•             NWxNW Ministry Leader’s Fellowship , August 31, 10 AM           
Oops! A scheduling mixup requires us to either change the date or the location of this event.  I will be calling around today to see what we can work out.  If you are part of the NWxNW group and would like to offer an alternative meeting site or date, please contact me ASAP.

The LORD bless you, and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.' – Numbers 6:24-26

Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary 

Tom Hiscox