What's Your Legacy?


What Inheritance are You Passing Along?
A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, and the wealth of a sinner is stored up for the righteous.”
(Proverbs 13:22) 

It’s a piece of Proverbial wisdom, the way things should be in God’s economy.  Those of us who follow Him are to leave something of value to the next generation, and the generation beyond that.  But we would be pretty naive to think this word is speaking only of material inheritance, especially since the second half of the proverb contrasts the sinner with the righteous.  No.  there is something of far more lasting value that we have to pass along: the love of Jesus Christ.  Do your children and grandchildren know of that love?  Who better to share it with them this week, than  you?

Welcome Home Arthur!
Caroline and I are rejoicing that our six-month-old grandson, Arthur Johansen, has moved in with us (along with his mom and dad, Emily and Alex).  What a blessing it is to see new life around the house.  Arthur’s other set of grandparents, Joel and Bonnie Johansen of Aims Community Church, live just two miles away, along with two of Arthur’s uncles and an aunt. So he will have no shortage of doting attention as he gets accustomed to Oregon life.  As Caroline and I celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary on the 28th, we were pleased to take some time to thank the Lord for blessing us with four wonderful kids, two godly sons-in-law and (now) three grandchildren to remind us how loving God has been and always will be.

Please Pray for Angela Plasker
Angela is the daughter of Pastor Bill Skogan of Lighthouse Community Church (Gresham).  She has recently been hospitalized after doctors discovered a blood clot in her neck, causing numbness and tingling in parts of her body.  As of Monday, Angela’s family was waiting to hear results from an ultrasound to determine the extent of the problem.

Upcoming InFaith: Northwest Oregon Events

Saturday, July 4, all day -  Independence Day, United States of America
Wednesday, July 15, 9 AM - Pastors’ Monthly Breakfast, Tollgate Inn, Sandy
Thursday, July 16, 10 AM - Pastors’ Prayer Meeting, Woodland Park Chapel, Portland

May your Independence Day celebrations this week remind you of the words of our Savior: “If therefore the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.”  (John 8:36)

Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary

Tom Hiscox