InFaith: Northwest Oregon

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Weekly Memo - May 5, 2020

WPC Pastor Mark Helmberger

WPC Pastor Brad Gentry

Pastor Jack and MaryBeth Longbine are moving to Montana.

Woodland Park Chapel Online
It was enjoyable to worship (online) Sunday with the folks from Woodland Park Chapel (Portland).  Pastor Mark Helmberger served as technical director as several people joined via Zoom.  Pastor Mark and Susan Gentry led in worshipful music, and Brad shared an inspiring message from Numbers 6:22-27 about the blessings of benedictions.  It was also a time for the congregation to speak their benedictions to Pastor Jack and MaryBeth Longbine, who are retiring to Montana.  They led Moreland Bible Church for several years, then moved to Woodland Park Chapel where Jack has served as an elder and MaryBeth invested her boundless energy in one beautification or remodeling project after another bringing her special touch to the historic chapel.  Jack and MaryBeth will be missed…but have promised to return to Oregon, at least for visits.    

Please Continue to Pray for Marilyn Patton of Columbia Community Bible Church
Pastor Steven Boyle says Marilyn, the church treasurer, has been moved from a hospital to a rehabilitation facility for continued treatment of the impacts of her recent fall and bleeding on the brain.  Marilyn and her husband, deacon Ron Patton could use your continued prayer for her treatment, their peace and comfort, and the financial burdens associated with long-term recovery.

Men’s Retreat Rescheduled
The Church on the Mountain Men’s Retreat at Camp Morrow has been rescheduled to September 18-20.  It is planned as a great a weekend of recreation, celebration, inspiration…and Food!  Mark your calendar and watch for registration information in a future memo.

Other Upcoming Events:

  • Wednesday, May 20th  9 AM- 10 AM        InFaith: NW Oregon Pastors & Church Leader’s ZOOM Conference    (Instead of our monthly breakfast.) Thanks again pastor Glenn Austin for handling the technical details.  Join the discussion by clicking on the link, or by entering the Meeting ID: 962 5835 5569 on your Zoom screen.

  • Thursday, May 21st  10 AM – 11 AM        InFaith Portland Pastors’ Prayer Meeting  at Woodland Park Chapel, Portland All are welcome!  The group is typically small enough, and the room large enough that we can meet in person and still maintain appropriate physical distance for virus precautions. 

Now may the Lord of all Creation, our God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, grant you strength and wisdom as you serve Him each day.

Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary