InFaith: Northwest Oregon

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Moving Forward One Small Church at a Time!

Glendoveer Cleanup Help Needed
The new owners of Glendoveer Chapel will be taking possession in mid-June, Lord willing.  So I have scheduled a cleanup day on the property Saturday, June 13, from 8 a.m. until about noon.  Thank you to those of you who have already offered to help.  We will need at least two pickups: one for making a run to the dump and another for hauling furnishings to storage.  Most of the furnishings of the church are remaining in the building for the new church body to use.  Our priorities will be emptying (1) the kitchen, (2) the attic and a couple storage closets, (3) the children’s ministry room, (4) the storage building outside the church.  There are a few boxes of books, curriculum and music that your church may want or need, but you will have to look through them to decide.  June 13 would be a great day to do that..

Is Zoom the next-best thing to breakfast?
The May 20th Sandy Area Pastors Breakfast was once again conducted as an online gathering.  Pastors Glenn Austin of Aims Community Church, Brad Gentry of Woodland Park Chapel, Dan Wentworth of Mountain Home Church and Tim Simon of The Church on the Mountain joined me for a discussion of ways a to keep hope alive in our communities in uncertain times like these.  And while we are mentioning uncertainty: our pastors breakfast Wednesday, June 17 may be back at the Tollgate Inn in Sandy, if they are ready to handle groups by that time.  Like other eateries in Clackamas County, the Tollgate is just starting into their phased re-opening plan (Praise God!).  We will let you know where and how to join us, as soon as we know!

Pastor’s Prayer June 18 at Woodland Park Chapel
We do know that the Portland Area Pastor’s Prayer meeting will be held June 18 at 10 AM at Woodland Park Chapel, Lord willing.  Please join us as we talk with the Creator about the praises and petitions of the churches in our fellowship.

Some Local Churches are Resuming Services in Person
As some of our fellowship churches have decided to resume in-person meetings of under 25 people under revised virus guidelines, others are waiting until things settle a bit.  Still others are conducting a hybrid of online and in-person meetings to praise and honor the Lord in their communities.  A few, like Eastmont Bible Church in Boring, have managed to continue small services throughout the past couple months of precautions.  Dover Community Church has continued to hold services outside when possible.  Their ‘church on the lawn’ last Sunday saw an appropriately-spaced attendance of 52 people, according to pastor Bob Droullard.  Garfield Community Church has asked me to speak Sunday, May 31, as they resume meeting for the first time since March 15.

Thank you for Praying for Dan and Donna Lindsey
Several of you have responded to the request for prayers for pastor Dan and Donna Lindsey, who led the Glendoveer Bible Church until recently.  Donna has been diagnosed with cancer and was hospitalized last week to have a feeding tube inserted.  A growth in her throat was obstructing her ability to swallow.  I have not been able to reach Dan for an update in the past few days, but I have been gratified to hear that several of you have not only been lifting them in prayer, but some have offered financial assistance as well.  Jesus said, “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)  Thank you for showing that love to a fellow shepherd.

Update on Carver Renovations
Work on the back yard and patio at the Carver Church has opened up the new space for men’s ministry events.  Right now it looks like a fresh flat spot, but pastor Seth Lewis envisions a long, raised bench along the concrete wall facing the grass, and three firepits for hosting gatherings of a new men’s ministry at Carver, set to start sometime soon.  Praise God for continuing to breathe new life into that fellowship, even as they have not been able to meet for Sunday services!

What do you see here? Picture benches lining the lush green lawn on the left, three campfires pits surrounded by men worshiping God and you have part of Pastor Seth Lewis’ vision for men’s ministry at the Carver Church.

(Just as I was about to push “send” on this post, I received an interesting link from InFaith Intercultural Missionary Irene Britton.  It offers a great graphic depiction of the plagues and diseases that mankind has endured over the centuries.  Check it out here: )

Now, may the Lord God who brought His people safely through the Red Sea also bring the church of His Son Jesus Christ safely through the current Coronavirus crisis, and may all of us share the love of Jesus with our neighbors every day.

Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary