The Church is NOT a Building

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The latest edition of the InFaith: Northwest Oregon newsletter focuses on Dodge Community Church’s recovery from the September 9 wildfire, and offers a way you may be able to help.  Printed newsletters will be in the mail soon, but could get stuck in the Christmas rush, so why not read today?    Click Here to read it now.

Prayers for Lighthouse and Bonita
It was a blessing to speak Sunday to the congregation at Lighthouse Community Church in Gresham.  Please keep Pastor Bill Skogan in your prayers as he recovers from cancer surgery.  Please also continue to pray for pastor George Crisman of Bonita Community Church as he is still recovering from a serious logging accident.  The Sunday School Fellowship board of directors will meet at Bonita on December 12 at 10 AM.  Among other items on the agenda will be discussion and prayer for the future of the ministry in that community.  And as you are looking into the future, anticipating 2021, please take a look at your schedule and anticipate when you might need a guest speaker.  I will be happy to fill-in when I can, or point you in the direction of one of several Godly men who have offered to assist InFaith fellowship churches. 

December 16 Zoom Meeting Keeps Church Leaders in Touch with Each Other
Thanks again to Pastor Glenn and Nancy Austin from Aims Community Church for setting up a Zoom meeting in the place of December’s Sandy Area Pastor’s Breakfast. (Tollgate Inn cannot accommodate us this month, because of Covid precautions.)  Don’t miss this opportunity to log in and share blessings with fellow shepherds and church leaders, December 16 at 9 AM.  To join in, simply click the link below and follow the directions on your screen.

Join Zoom Meeting:    Meeting ID: 812 1589 6681          Passcode: 870143

If you have never used Zoom before and would like some assistance, please contact me at least a day before the meeting and I will try to walk you through the process.  Remember, you will need a camera on your computer or mobile device, as well as a good internet connection.  But you won’t need a mask!    

December 17 Prayer Meeting Keeps Us in Touch with God
As celebration of the Advent approaches (now just 17 days away), there is no better time to align your heart with God’s will, and to thank Him for the blessing of Salvation through His Son Jesus.  Pastors and church leaders from the InFaith: NW Oregon family will gather December 17 at 10 AM at Woodland Park Chapel for that very purpose.  It’s a small gathering, with adequate physical distancing between participants…but no distance between us and our Creator.  Come join us for a time of sharing, intercession and praise.

NWxNW Church Leader Fellowship Meets Again January 11
Mark your calendar today.  The NWxNW fellowship is skipping the month of December and reassembling January 11 at 10 AM at Mayger-Downing Community Church in Clatskanie.  This gathering of leaders from the six fellowship churches in the far northwest reaches of our field has been quite a blessing, as “iron sharpens iron” in our discussions and prayer.

Final Thought
December 24th and 25th are on a Thursday and Friday this year.  That means most of us will have a good, long weekend of celebrating the birth of our Savior.   In the chaos of 2020, many are asking – is this the start of the Great Tribulation, foreshadowing a second Advent?  Jesus gave the answer: “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” (Matthew 24:36)  So remain faithful, hopeful and vigilant as you serve Jesus with all your hearts in whatever time we have before He returns. 

May He bless you and your families as the day approaches.

 Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary

Tom Hiscox