InFaith: Northwest Oregon

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Hope Abounds Where Christ is King!

October 4, 2020

Dodge Church Meets First Time Since Fire

Dodge Community Church met Sunday for the first time since the Riverside Fire destroyed their building.  There were about 35 people in attendance, sitting outdoors with Pastor Nick Castillo sharing the word and leading in song with a couple other men.  It was a beautiful service of sharing, even with the rubble of the building as a backdrop.  Many of the people are still in shock over their individual and community loss. But there were encouraging stories of God’s provision and protection, and many surprising blessings experienced as God has drawn the community together in this crisis.  The church currently plans to continue services in a borrowed building in the community (which has already been committed to them), and to focus on loving the body through their own personal crisis.  Long term plans have been put off for a while.  Please continue in prayer for the Dodge community and congregation, and that the Lord will be glorified even through this loss.

Carver Firelight Fellowship Offers a Place for Men to be Men of the Word

After months of preparation, Carver Church has begun hosting an evening Firelight Fellowship on the patio of the church’s newly re-landscaped back yard.  Pastor Seth Lewis’ vision is to use the time for Godly men to help one another in their walk with Jesus, in a relaxed outdoor atmosphere.  Carver Church has partnered with a group of men who were already meeting on their own, but were looking for ways to expand and grow their times together.  Fireside Fellowship meets Sunday afternoons/evening from 5:30 to 8. For details about participating in the Fireside Fellowship, contact Seth Lewis .     

October is Pastor Appreciation Month
Yes! You have an entire 31 day period in which to express your appreciation for the shepherds the Lord has called to help guide your walk with Jesus!  Even more focused: the second week of October is Pastor Appreciation Week, and Sunday, October 11, 2020 is Pastor Appreciation Day.  Churches have many different traditions of celebrating their leaders, but notes of encouragement and affirmation are always a good start.  Having been through a few small-church pastor appreciation days myself, I thought I might offer some advice on “best practices” for honoring your pastor.   They are not scripture, just suggestions of how to personally express your appreciation.  Words of appreciation are is often best if they are….

1.            Public - Encourage others to consider the value of your pastor's ministry by sharing your story with them. The thank-you in private is wonderfully encouraging to the pastor. The thank you in public may be instructive and inspiring to the congregation.

2.            Specific - For example: "Pastor Joe was with me when my mother died." A long list of non-specific superlatives has a sound of inauthenticity.

3.            Personal - Don't speak for everyone, speak for yourself.

4.            Honoring - Humor is fine, but is sometimes a poor substitute for honest praise. Jokes offered in substitute of accolades often fall flat. (Yes, I need to watch that too!)

5.            Truthful - If you have to make up things to say, maybe you should not say anything.

6.            Tasteful - Make sure the stories you tell and the details you share are in good taste, given the audience and environment. Some people try to show how close they are to the pastor by sharing embarrassing inside stories, which - since they are in the wrong context - usually just serve to embarrass.

7.           Glorifying to God – Remember your pastor is a gift to the congregation from our loving Creator.  Though a good pastor is worthy of “double honor” (1 Timothy 5:17) the glory belongs elsewhere (Revelation 1:5-6).

Upcoming InFaith: Northwest Oregon Events:

  • Portland Pastors’ Prayer               October 15, 10 AM at Woodland Park Chapel, Portland

  • Sandy Area Pastors’ Breakfast     October 21, 9 AM at Tollgate Inn, Sandy

  • InFaith Area Fellowship                October 24, 2 PM at Immanuel Baptist Church in Salem (For InFaith Field staff and associates in the Willamette Valley and Northwest Oregon fields.

  • NWxNW church leaders       October 26, 10 AM at Columbia Bible Church, Rainier     

May the Lord of all Creation renew your heart afresh each morning

Your brother in Christ,
Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary