InFaith: Northwest Oregon

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Are You Ready to Advance!? January 24-26

THE ABC’S OF ADVANCE! 2020, January 24-26

Advance! 2020 – Our annual getaway for pastors, missionaries and their spouses starts Friday at Twin Rocks in Rockaway Beach. Here are a few reminders before you start your trek to the beach…

Arrival: Check-in begins at 4 PM at Pacific Woods Lodge. Speakers, music leaders and those helping with registration and setup may arrive as early as 2 PM. But all others are asked to wait until 4 PM to allow Twin Rocks staff and ADVANCE leaders to prepare. If you have not paid in advance, please bring a check made out to Sunday School Fellowship. Twin Rocks address is 18705 Hwy 101 N, Rockaway Beach, Oregon.

Book Exchange:
An informal book exchange usually pops up in the Lodge lobby every year, where you may find a treasure trove of ministry materials for free. We already have two boxes of contributions from last year’s Bartruff Award honoree, Merle Davis, to share. Please bring only ministry materials, and Christian books or videos. Please be prepared to take home anything that does not get taken by others. (Pastor Davis also has several VHS-based Bible studies at his home that he would like to bless someone with. If you can use VHS materials, please call Merle at 360-883-9023).

Call: If You Are Running Late (971-645-2777)

Sometimes weather or other factors delay your arrival, and we understand. If you are arriving after the first session begins (7:30 PM) please call or text 971-645-2777 to let us know. Also, please check ahead on road conditions as you get started, especially over the coastal mountain passes. ODOT and the National Weather service both have updates available on the internet.

Do Come: Even If You Don’t Have Reservations

There is plenty of room for you. You can pay upon arrival. Registration rates are the same as they were for those who pre-registered. (See the event brochure and rates by clicking here.) But – as we really can’t customize a rate schedule for each individual – if you are staying even one night, we will have to ask that you pay full registration fees for the weekend. If you would like to come for only one day or one session, the rate is $36 per person (a bargain!).

Expect the Lord to Speak to You this weekend!

We are gathering to relax, refresh and reinvigorate our passion for ministry. Pastor Tim and Judy Simon will lead us in uplifting times of worship through music, pastor Dan Robinson will lift us up in sharing from the Word; and we have set aside plenty of time for informal connections between brothers and sisters in Christ: games, walks on the beach, or just a quiet contemplative afternoon alone with your spouse. Don’t miss out on this time to be blessed!


Please enjoy dinner Friday on your own at one of the many coastal restaurants along the way. Meals provided at Advance include breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. We will need volunteers to help clean up after each meal. Participants are invited to bring commercially prepared and packaged snacks to share in the meeting room throughout the weekend.

God will be there! (“Wherever two or more are gathered in My name…” Matthew 18:20.) So bring your joy to share!

Other questions? Call or text 971-645-2777 or email

I am looking forward to a blessed time with all of you who can attend.

Tom Hiscox, InFaith: Northwest Oregon area missionary