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Sunday School Fellowship Picnic

  • Blue Lake Regional Park 20500 Northeast Marine Drive Fairview, OR, 97024 United States (map)

All InFaith:Northwest Oregon ministries are invited to take part in the 2018 Sunday School Fellowship picnic, Thursday August 2nd at Blue Lake Park in Fairview. The SSF Board will provide the main course. Participating picnickers are asked to bring a side dish and/or dessert.

SSF will be meeting at the Chinook Pavillion at 1 PM for lunch, followed by singing and a short program, then an afternoon of fellowship as long as you want it to last (or until the park closes). Blue Lake Park is at 20500 NE Marine Dr, Fairview, OR 97024. Park admission is $5 per car. Please RSVP to Grant McAlister (503-888-1372) with the number who will be attending from your church or ministry group.