A special time for InFaith Missionaries (including "Candidates," "Associates," and "Partners") serving with InFaith in the Northwest Oregon field. DETAILS ARE STILL BEING WORKED OUT. Please save the date of October 12, roughly from 4-9 PM for an Area Fellowship at the Hiscox home in the Cascade foothills, roughly an hour from Portland.
During the fellowship we will enjoy dinner, devotions, music, and updates on all of our lives and ministries. An extended time of prayer for one another will be led by Area Coordinator Alan Baumgarden. We will also have a few words from Field Director Jim Van Voorst, and perhaps even a visit from someone from InFaith Home Office. Invitations will be emailed to missionaries in mid-September, including driving directions and suggestions of a few things to bring.
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: September 19
Pastors' September Monthly Breakfast
Later Event: October 13
Women's "Mini" Retreat